Mission of the Open University Our mission is to provide the highest quality of educational services for adults regardless of level of education, social status and political views.
Vision of the Open University The Open University of the University of Warsaw will become a place where continuing education in Poland is concentrated. We intend to achieve this goal by provision of: - three forms of courses, - post-graduate studies, - science research, - educational TV.
Main objectives of the Open University Our objectives is to provide adults with a wide range of high quality education forms in accordance with their interests and needs and tailored to their individual abilities. Our second goal is to create an open education centre, which will be a basis for fast development of continuing education in Poland.
Assumptions of the Open University - to create a wide educational offer - to organize various forms of courses - to support development of knowledge and skills of students - to support scientific research, - to integrate the academic society of University of Warsaw, - to create an open education centre, - to promote the University of Warsaw.
Students of the Open University - adult persons, regardless of the level of education, place of living and nationality, - they have to be able to communicate in Polish, - they can take unlimited number of courses, - two variants of certification- the attendance certificate and the knowledge certificate, - attractive forms of payment, subscriptions, - ambassadors of University of Warsaw.
Structure of courses - on the spot courses, - e-learning, Internet courses, - correspondence courses. Knowledge Discipline Education Path Courses
Knowledge Disciplines Culture & Arts Languages & Nations Human & Society Business, Economics & Law Science & Technology Human & Environment
Post-graduate studies - concerning open education, - to prepare experts in continuing education, - the Open University – way to gain experience, - interdisciplinary activities, - experience sharing, - scientific research.
Scientific research - research in continuing education - development of legal regulations and standards - the Poland-wide scope of the project, - an open education centre
Educational TV - cooperation with a TV station (i. e. Polsat WIEDZA), - patterned on BBC, - the programs in accordance with subjects of the courses, - popularization of continuing education, - presentation of the findings of scientific research, - promotion of University of Warsaw and a TV station.
Finances of the Open University - fees paid by students, - payments for courses (system of subscriptions ), - exam fees, - budget of University of Warsaw, - financial support from the Structural Funds - financial support from budget of City of Warsaw.
Timetable – years January 2008 – presentation of the project to the Rector of the University of Warsaw, February-March 2008 – informational meetings in departments of the UW, May-June 2008 – preparation of the courses, July-August 2008 – students recruitment, September 2008 – first courses are going to begin, October 2008 – application for support from the Structural Funds, November 2008 – first scientific research,
Timetable - years February 2009 – post-graduate studies, October 2009 – e-learning courses, October 2010 – correspondence courses, October 2011 – education TV.
The Open University University of Warsaw Barbara Godlewska-Bujok Katarzyna Lubryczyńska