OS Spring’04 Concurrency Operating Systems Spring 2004
OS Spring’04 Concurrency pros and cons Concurrency is good for users One of the reasons for multiprogramming Working on the same problem, simultaneous execution of programs, background execution Concurrency is a “ pain in the neck ” for the system Access to shared data structures Deadlock due to resource contention
OS Spring’04 Mutual Exclusion OS is an instance of concurrent programming Multiple activities may take place in the same time Concurrent execution of operations involving multiple steps is problematic Example: updating linked list Concurrent access to a shared data structure must be mutually exclusive
OS Spring’04 new->next=current.next current new current new current.next=new insert_after(current,new):
OS Spring’04 tmp=current.next; current.next=current.next.next; free(tmp); current remove_next(current):
OS Spring’04 current new current new current new
OS Spring’04 Atomic operations A generic solution is to ensure atomic execution of operations All the steps are perceived as executed in a single point of time insert_after(current,new) remove_next(current), or remove_next(current) insert_after(current,new)
OS Spring’04 The Critical Section Model A code within a critical section must be executed exclusively by a single process do { critical section remainder section } while(1) entry sectionexit section
OS Spring’04 Linked list example do { remainder section } while(1) entry sectionexit section do { remainder section } while(1) entry sectionexit section new->next=current.next current.next=new tmp=current.next; current.next=current.next.next; free(tmp);
OS Spring’04 The Critical Section Problem n processes P 0, …,P n-1 No assumptions on relative process speeds, no synchronized clocks, etc … Models inherent non-determinism of process scheduling No assumptions on process activity when executing within Critical and reminder sections
OS Spring’04 Shared variables Processes are communicating through shared atomic read/write variables x is a shared variable, l is a local variable Read: takes the current value: Write: assigns a provided value:
OS Spring’04 Requirements Mutual Exclusion: If process P i is executing its C.S., then no other process is in its C.S. Progress: If P i is in its entry section and no process is in C.S., then some process eventually enters C.S. Fairness: If no process remains in C.S. forever, then each process requesting entry to C.S. will be eventually let into C.S.
OS Spring’04 Solving the CS problem (n=2)
OS Spring’04 Solving the CS problem (n=2)
OS Spring’04 Solving the CS problem (n=2)
OS Spring’04 Peterson ’ s algorithm for n=2
OS Spring’04 Bakery algorithm of Lamport Critical section algorithm for any n>1 Each time a process is requesting an entry to CS, assign it a ticket which is Unique and monotonically increasing Let the process into CS in the order of their numbers
OS Spring’04 Choosing a ticket Does not guarantee uniqueness! Use process Ids: Process need to know that somebody perhaps chose a smaller number:
OS Spring’04 Bakery algorithm for n processes
OS Spring’04 Correctness Lemma: Mutual exclusion is immediate from this lemma It is easy to show that Progress and Fairness hold as well (recitation)
OS Spring’04 Hardware primitives Elementary building blocks capable of performing certain steps atomically Should be universal to allow for solving versatile synchronization problems Numerous such primitives were identified: Test-and-set Fetch-and-add Compare-and-swap
OS Spring’04 Test-and-Set (TS) boolean test-and-set(boolean &lock) { temp=lock; lock=TRUE; return temp; } reset(boolean &lock) { lock=FALSE; }
OS Spring’04 Critical section using TS Shared boolean lock, initially FALSE do { while(test-and-set(&lock)); critical section; reset(&lock); reminder section; } while(1); Check yourself! Is mutual exclusion satisfied? Is progress satisfied? Is fairness satisfied?
OS Spring’04 Discussion Satisfies Mutual Exclusion and Progress Does not satisfy Fairness Provides exclusion among unbounded number of processes Process IDs and number are unknown Busy waiting Burning CPU cycles while being blocked
OS Spring’04 Fetch-and-Add (FAA) s: shared, a: local int FAA(int &s, int a) { temp=s; s=s+a; return temp; } FAA can be used as a ticket machine
OS Spring’04 Critical section using FAA Shared: int s, turn; Initially: s = 0; turn=0; Process P i code: Entry: me = FAA(s,1); while(turn < me); // busy wait for my turn Critical section Exit: FAA(turn,1); Check yourself! Is mutual exclusion satisfied? Is progress satisfied? Is fairness satisfied?
OS Spring’04 Discussion Satisfies all three properties Supports unbounded number of processes Unbounded counter Busy waiting
OS Spring’04 Problems with studied synchronization methods Critical section framework is inconvenient for programming Performance penalty Busy waiting Too coarse synchronization Using hardware primitives directly results in non-portable code
OS Spring’04 Higher Level Abstractions Higher level software abstractions are represented by Semaphores Monitors
OS Spring’04 Semaphores Invented by Edsger Dijkstra in 1968 Interface consists of two primitives: P() and V()
OS Spring’04 Notes on the Language Dutch: P: Proberen, V: Verhogen Hebrew: P: פחות, V: ועוד English: P(): wait(), V(): signal()
OS Spring’04 Semaphores: initial value Initial value of a semaphore indicates how many identical instances of the critical resource exist A semaphore initialized to 1 is called a mutex (mutual exclusion)
OS Spring’04 Programming with semaphores Semaphores is a powerful programming abstraction Define a semaphore for each critical resource E.g., one for each linked list Granularity? Concurrent processes access appropriate semaphores when synchronization is needed
OS Spring’04 Some examples … V(synch); … P(synch); …
OS Spring’04 Some examples Do { P(mutex); critical section V(mutex); Remainder section; While(1);
OS Spring’04 Implementing semaphores Semaphores can be implemented efficiently by the system P() is explicitly telling the system: “ Hey, I cannot proceed, you can preempt me ” V() instructs the system to wake up a waiting process
OS Spring’04 Implementing Semaphores type semaphore = record count: integer; queue: list of process end; var S: semaphore; S.count must be initialized to a nonnegative value (depending on application)
OS Spring’04 Implementing Semaphores P(S): S.count--; if (S.count<0) { add this process to S.queue block this process; } V(S): S.count++; if (S.count <= 0) { remove a process P from S.queue place this process P on ready queue }
OS Spring’04 We ’ re still cheating … P() and V() must be executed atomically In uniprocessor system may disable interrupts In multi-processor system, use hardware synchronization primitives TS, FAA, etc … Involves a some limited amount of busy waiting
OS Spring’04 Monitors monitor monitor-name { shared variable declarations procedure P1(…) { … } … procedure Pn() { … } Only a single process at a time can be active within the monitor => other processes calling Pi() are queued Conditional variables for finer grain synchronization x.wait() suspend the execution until another process calls x.signal()