Websites for Teachers “The Computer as an Educational Tool: Productivity and Problem Solving” ©Richard C. Forcier and Don E. Descy
My Sources zOur text zPoll of teachers
Looking for info? Looking for info? zhttp:// zhttp:// z y“The Web Guide 4 Kids”
Aids for Teachers z zhttp:// z z yKathy Schrock’s Guide 4 Educators
Languages Languages zhttp:// yAuthors and new books z yWord games for spelling and all subjects zhttp://
Math zhttp:// yInteractive multiplication zhttp:// yMath review and puzzles for all subjects
Physical Education and Health z yPremier website for health and physical education
Science yExperiments, games, great photos yFor social studies and geography, too zhttp://
Social Studies Social Studies zhttp:// zhttp:// y yMN history, old photos zhttp:// y“fight hate & promote tolerance”