Sadia Khalil & Sheldon Stone.. Motivation Some SUSY theories predicts simultaneous violation of lepton and baryon number. We want to check one of the.


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Presentation transcript:

Sadia Khalil & Sheldon Stone.

Motivation Some SUSY theories predicts simultaneous violation of lepton and baryon number. We want to check one of the predictions, Cleo is an excellent machine to detect protons and electrons to a very high resolution or efficiency.

Method. Using signal MC, set a cut of on. Find the efficiency for the cut using Mbc plot. Run over data for data set 31 to 37. Fit the mbc obtained from data to the values of Mbc and sigma obtained from signal MC. Find the upper limit on our analysis and hence branching ratio.

Selection Criteria. TracksProtons Electrons

Signal MC


Signal MC
