Tracking Group Overview Bruce Schumm Cornell Linear Collider Workshop July
Development 1: Funding LCRD/UCLC Proposal Status Proposal reviewed; components ranked Sept 2002 DOE (LCRD) top-ranked proposals funded as supplements to existing grants UCLC re-reviewed as individual proposals; did not fare well Funded tracking groups: Sci-Fi Int. Tracker (Indiana/Notre Dame) GEM Forward Tracking (Louisiana Tech)
PRC Meeting DESY, Hamburg, May 7 and 8, 2003 SilC: an International R&D Collaboration to develop Si-tracking technologies for the LC Aurore Savoy-Navarro, LPNHE-Universités de Paris 6&7/IN2P3-CNRS, France on behalf of the SiLC Collaboration
Development 2: International Si Tracking Consortium SiLC (Silicon Tracking for the Linear Collider) group formally recognized by DESY PRC Proposal available at (click `SiLC’, but 1 st write me for username and password Approved for 1-year `warm-up’ phase Readdress PRC in October with more specific plans and goals
The SiLC Collaboration Brookhaven Ann Arbor Wayne Santa Cruz Helsinki Obninsk Karlsruhe Paris Prague Wien Geneve Torino Pisa Rome Barcelona Valencia Korean Universities Seoul &Taegu Tokyo Europe USA ASIA So far: 18 Institutes gathering over 90 people from Asia, Europe & USA Most of these teams are and/or have been collaborating.
Group-Wide Activity Between Santa Cruz (6/02) and Arlington (1/03), we had a series of three phone meetings (gaseous tracking, solid-state tracking, and simulation). Do we want to replicate this in Oct/Nov? Is there some other model or mode of coordination that we want to consider?