Main Periods Pre-modern World System Feudal Crisis Beginnings of the Modern World System The Age of Revolution Victorian Expansion The Age of Empire
The Age of Empire The Great Depression Responses La Belle Époque
The Great Depression of the Nineteenth Century Decline in profitability –Decline in prices faster than decline in wages Speculation –Big international financial firms Crash
The Great Depression of the Nineteenth Century Decline in profitability –Decline in prices faster than decline in wages Speculation –Big international financial firms Crash
Responses to crisis Migration Protection Growth in firm size Imperialism
Migration Ellis Island
Railroad construction, west coast
Responses to crisis Migration Protection (Growing role of the state) Growth in firm size Imperialism
Carnegie Steel, Homestead, PA (1890s)
Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany and Sultan Abdulhamid II, Ottoman Empire
Berlin Conference ( )
King Leopold II, Belgium
King Leopold’s Victims
British in Egypt, 1882 Urabi Pasha Bombing Alexandria
British in Egypt, 1882