Large Magellanic Cloud, 1987 (51.4 kparsec) SN 1987a after before 2006 Hubble
Precursor of Superkamiokande H2OH2O
8 more events in IMB
Crab, 1054 About 1 SN every 30 years in our galaxy Einstein satellite (X)
Where does the acceleration take place? Cosmic rays
Look for the neutrals, not deflected in B fields, to identify, the sites of acceleration HE gamma and neutrino astronomy : created by synchrotronstrahlung, decay from decay: or very high energy charged particles Candidates: Fermi (SN remnants…) AGN, pulsars, …
From a presentation by: Paul Mantsch Auger Project Manger Building the Pierre Auger Observatory (Argentina)
Adventures in Cosmic Ray Physics
The Design
The Observatory Plan Surface Array 1600 detector stations 1.5 km spacing 3000 km 2 Fluorescence Detectors 4 Telescope enclosures 6 Telescopes per enclosure 24 Telescopes total
The Surface Array Detector Station Communications antenna Electronics enclosure 3 – nine inch photomultiplier tubes Solar panels Plastic tank with 12 tons of water Battery box GPS antenna
EGRET on Compton Gamma Ray Observatory (NASA) Galactic view
Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) Matter accreting on supermassive black hole at center of galaxy
Gamma ray burst (GRB) must be « small » size sources
Microquasar: binary systems with a black hole
Ground based: look for electromagnetic shower induced in the upper atmosphere, measure Cerenkov light E>10 GeV HESS in Namibia (others: MAGIC in Mallorca, future (CTA))
shower hadron shower
HESS, stereoscopic view
Look for upward going muons
Neutrino astronomy principles
Antares Mediterranean, off Toulon, 3000 m deep, 0.1 km 2 Cerenkov light
t height Downward going muon
Antares, 0.1 km 2 at the bottom of the Mediterreanean (3000 m deep), Starting to take data But: needs 1 km 3 !!!