Spectral Power Distributions “blackbody” Planckian radiators
Candle flame (1000K)
100 W tungsten bulb (2856K)
Halogen 600 W bulb (3400K)
Sunlight (5500K)
Skylight (12000K)
Empirical fit: 2856K
Empirical fit: 5500K
Empirical fit: 2856K [400 – 700 nm]
Empirical fit: 5500K [400 – 700 nm]
h = Planck’s constant k = Boltzman constant c = speed of light λ = wavelength T = absolute temperature Planck’s Law: Empirical Theoretical
Planck’s Law h = Planck’s constant k = Boltzman constant c = speed of light λ = wavelength T = absolute temperature
Peak wavelength
Wein’s Displacement Law: wavelength at peak output lambda max = b/T b = x (m K) T = temperature Kelvins
Total power
2856K 5500K 6500K
Stefan-Boltzman Law: total power output Total power = σ T 4 σ = Stefan-Boltzman constant T = temperature Kelvins
Absolute vs. relative spectral power
Radiometric constants: (ISO units, distance = meters) Constants: Planck's constanth6.63E-34J s speed of lightc3.00E+08m/s Boltzman's constantk1.38E-23J/K Wein's constantb2.90E-03m K Stefan-Boltzman constantσ5.670E-8W/m 2 K 4