Research on Intelligent Information Systems Himanshu Gupta Michael Kifer Annie Liu C.R. Ramakrishnan I.V. Ramakrishnan Amanda Stent David Warren Anita Wasilewska
2 Computer Science Department Intelligent Systems Relations, Relations, Relations Program analysis: “The value of variable x at line 15 depends on the value of variable y ” Workflow systems: “Task 2 can start only after task 1 has started” Knowledge-base systems: “A and B are at the same level in an organization if their bosses are at the same level”: C hasSameLevelAs D and C isBossOf A and D isBossOf B then A hasSameLevelAs B
3 Computer Science Department Program Analysis using Relations “May Point-To” analysis for C programs [Anderson’95] p = &q; qp points_to(P,Q) :- stmt(v(P),addr(Q)). stmt(v(p),addr(q)).points_to(p,q) p = &q; p = q; p = *q; *p = q;
4 Computer Science Department “May-Point-To” Analysis - II p = q; q r1r1 r2r2 p points_to(P,R) :- stmt(v(P),v(Q)), points_to(Q,R). points_to(P,S) :- stmt(v(P),star(Q)), points_to(Q,R), points_to(R,S). p = *q; r1r1 r2r2 q s1s1 s2s2 s3s3 p
5 Computer Science Department “May-Point-To” Analysis - III *p = q; p s1s1 s2s2 q r1r1 r2r2 points_to(R,S) :- stmt(star(P),v(Q)), points_to(P,R), points_to(Q,S).
6 Computer Science Department Intelligent Systems Deductive Systems “Given rules that define relationships, find the consequences of these rules” Data, Knowledge and Workflow Management Systems Inductive Systems Given emperical observations, find the rules that model the observation Data mining, machine learning
7 Computer Science Department Research Areas Data, Knowledge and Workflow Management Systems Logic Programming Web Technologies Semantic Web Agents Computational Linguistics Machine Learning Data Mining Rule-based deployment and management of ad-hoc sensor networks
8 Computer Science Department Himanshu Gupta Broad Research Areas: Wireless Networks, Sensor Networks, Databases. A sensor network is a very large ad hoc wireless network of resource constrained nodes. Sensor network can be looked upon as a distributed database. IIS Research Focus: Query processing and optimization in sensor networks Efficient data storage and access in sensor/ad hoc networks Activity representation and recognization in sensor networks Relevant Courses Taught: CSE 595 (Topics in Sensor Networks; Spring) CSE 532 (Theory of Database Systems) CSE 658 (Seminar in Wireless Networks)
9 Computer Science Department Michael Kifer Research in Semantic Web Declarative languages for data and knowledge manipulation F-logic Transaction logic Integration of Object-Oriented and Deductive paradigms Flora-2 system Query Optimization Logic Programming & Artificial Intelligence
10 Computer Science Department Annie Liu Query languages and policy languages: for querying and updating complex objects and graphs using rules, object abstraction, and reg exp patterns Implementation and optimization methods: generating efficient programs from queries answering queries with time and space guarantees Frameworks and applications: security policy frameworks and efficient implementations frameworks for building Web information systems
11 Computer Science Department C. R. Ramakrishnan Research in logic programming and deductive systems Logic program evaluation: data structures and algorithms for Incremental evaluation of programs Constraint processing Applications Verification of concurrent systems Program analysis Computer system security
12 Computer Science Department I. V. Ramakrishnan Research in machine learning and web agents Agents for extracting information from web sources Extraction from semi-structured sources Classification using machine learning Applications Personal Information Assistants Web navigation tools for visually impaired Information presentation in constrained environments (PDAs, cell phones)
13 Computer Science Department Amanda Stent Computational Linguistics Multimodal and spoken dialog systems Dialog system engineering Adaptation in dialog Natural language processing Generation of sentences for text, dialog Computational theories of discourse Multimedia information extraction For task learning For multimodal generation
14 Computer Science Department David S. Warren Research in Logic Programming and Knowledge Systems Implementation of Logic Programming The XSB Tabled Logic Programming System LP Compiler Optimizations Multithreaded Implementations Tabling in Logic Programming Extensions to include constraints Methodology for using tabled evaluation Efficient evaluation of negation in LP Applications Deductive Spreadsheets Ontology Management Classification of and Extraction from text descriptions
15 Computer Science Department Anita Wasilewska Research in Data Mining Syntax and Semantics of Classification Data Mining as Generalization Process; a Unified Model for Data Mining Methodology for data Mining Projects Development
16 Computer Science Department A Sampler of Research Projects Query optimization in deductive systems (Gupta, Liu, C.R. & I.V. Ramakrishnan, Warren) Voice XML: Adding sound to the web (Kifer, I.V. Ramakrishnan, Stent) Query-based deployment and management of ad-hoc sensor networks (Gupta) Dialog-based systems (Stent) Data mining for bio-informatics (Kifer, I.V. Ramakrishnan, Wasilewska)
17 Computer Science Department A Sampler of Research Projects Semantic Search Engines (Kifer, I.V. Ramakrishnan) Program analysis and verification using deductive systems (Liu, C. R. Ramakrishnan) Ontology mining and management (Kifer, I.V. Ramakrishnan, Warren)
18 Computer Science Department Graduate Courses We Teach CSE Computing with Logic CSE Intro. to Computational Linguistics CSE Programming Languages CSE Database systems CSE Artificial Intelligence CSE Logic in Computer Science CSE Speech Processing CSE Advanced Database Systems CSE Advanced Logic in Computer Science CSE Data Mining Concepts and Techniques And watch for our seminars!