RQZ Forum The Importance of the SKA and a Radio-Quiet Zone to Australia Canberra Aug 13, 2004 Ron Ekers, President IAU CSIRO, Australia.


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Presentation transcript:

RQZ Forum The Importance of the SKA and a Radio-Quiet Zone to Australia Canberra Aug 13, 2004 Ron Ekers, President IAU CSIRO, Australia

Parkes Radio Telescope n 64 m antenna n operational since 1961 n 21cm 13 beam focal plane array n HI spectral line n Pulsars n The Dish!

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20043

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20044 Australia low population density Opportunity?

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20045 Terrestrial Interference FORTÉ satellite: 131 MHz Forte satellite: 131MHz

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20046 Terrestrial Interference FORTÉ satellite: animated

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20047 Achieving the vision - International collaboration n To build facilities which no single nation can afford n Broaden knowledge base and provide cross fertilisation n SKA was born global through International Scientific Unions –Joint URSI - IAU working group n OECD Megascience Forum n International MOU for technology study program –US, Canada, Netherlands, Australia, China, India, (UK) n International SKA Steering Committee –US, Europe, Canada, Australia, Sth Africa, China, India

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20048 Host Country Proposals Received n Australia* n Argentina n Brazil n South Africa* n US* n Europe* n China* n Ireland (Lord Rosse) * participants

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI20049 Host Country Proposals Accepted n Australia* n Argentina Brazil n South Africa* n US* Europe* n China* Ireland (Lord Rosse) * participants

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI International Facilities: Funded

13 Aug 2004Ekers - RQZ Canberra11 SKA International Funding Profile Global project $US1B

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Opportunities for Australia n Hosting a major international project of high visibility –stimulates Australian research –Attracts young people to science and engineering n Builds on existing infrastructure initiatives –eg the AARNET3 cable network n Engage Australian industry in international projects at the cutting edge of information and communication technologies n Invest in rural/regional Australia –employment and educational opportunities for local and indigenous communities n Project internationally the image of Australia as a culturally rich and creative country with a high-technology future n Gain a “seat at the global table” of international science and engineering

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Opportunities for Australia Australia should view the opportunity to host the SKA as no less prestigious, and with longer-term benefits, than hosting the Olympic Games

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Leverage n Membership in the International club –Club rules n Use O/S demand to negotiate access to other facilities n Use SH location to leverage opportunities for Australian involvement in International programs n Partnerships can extend into Industry –Eg European Space Agency model

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Industrial spin-off n Radio Astronomers are leading edge customers driving technology –sophisticated end users –generating new ideas –technology developed must be internationally competitive n Many documented examples –Communications antenna export –Low noise receiver design –Wireless networking [Radiata → CISCO] CSIRO Annual Business Review - September 13, 1995 EGP 95_242

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Radio astronomy technology Communications antennas Astronomy Communications n CSIRO research in antennas: Benefit-to-cost ratio of 2:1 (Bureau of Industry Economics, 1991, 'Analysis of CSIRO Industrial Research: Earth Station Antennas') n Beginning of the communication service industry in SE Asia

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Risk Assesment n Highest risk is failure of International funding –Nationally legislative RQZ –Strong International scientific support –Industry pressure n Loosing the bid to host is a lower risk –Australia can still capture benefit

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI International activities n ITU (task group 1/7) n IAU Com 50 n URSI n COSPAR n OECD global science forum n SKA - IUCAF }

13 Aug 2004Ekers - RQZ Canberra International activities n ITU (task group 1/7) n IAU Com 50 n URSI n COSPAR n OECD global science forum n SKA - IUCAF } Australian members

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI OECD Global Science Forum n Task Force on Radio Astronomy –Internationally approved at ministerial level n Members –Astronomers –Regulators –Satellite Communications Industry n International protection from Satelite communications n Report – 602.pdfhttp:// 602.pdf

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Space junk - GEO

Space junk - LEO

13 Aug 2004Ekers - RQZ Canberra RFI in an Expanding Universe n Expanding universe redshifts the spectral lines (diagonal lines) n Horizontal lines are allocations to broadcast satellites –Grey – allocated –Red - populated CO

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI OECD GSF Task Force Recommendations on Radio Astronomy and the Radio Spectrum 1.Establish a technical forum to improve dialog between astronomers and communications engineers 2.Governments to consider “Controlled Emission Zones” and radio astronomers to rapidly identify such locations 3.Interference in allocated bands is ITU business 4.Consultation between radio astronomers and Satellite operators »share real time operational information »Scheduling and mitigation issues

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Radio Astronomy - Communications the Differences n Radio astronomers only want the signal statistics not the signal n INR/SNR > 1 (ie Interference > Signal) –this changes radio astronomy from other fields n Cant regulate the frequency of the emitters n No direct commercial value from astronomy use of the spectrum

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI ITU Spectrum Management n In the metre and cm band <1% is allocated to radio astronomy! n Need frequency coverage for redshifted lines n Need bandwidth for continuum sensitivity

SKA with links

SKA with links and existing network

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI SKA configuration 50% antennas in central 5km

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Central Stations 50% antennas in central 5km

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Radio Astronomy image M. Morimoto Charm & Crisis in Radio Astronomy Modern Radio Science 1993 Radio or optical, dark sky with beautiful view to the Universe is the precious treasure of the Nature. It is only the human wisdom needed to protect the Nature

16 July 2004Ekers - RFI Radio Astronomy image