Project Workshops Assessment
2 Deadlines and Deliverables No later than 16:00 on Tuesday, Week 21 in the Easter Term (second Tuesday) This is a hard deadline! To deliver: –two bound copies of your report, to the office (office can arrange binding though, or try DSU) –the project software - plus report (via e-handin, details TBA) –the project log (just for reference) –SIGNED Project Statement
3 Project Statement A statement of SCOPE and of ORIGINALITY SIGNED both by student and by supervisor (in advance) –purpose: fairness and guard against plagiarism and/or cheating You will get full information nearer the time, but typically –Agreed deliverables and objectives –Statement of originality (eg list reuse of code/ideas) –Limitations of the work, eg significant software limits Consult University guidelines on plagiarism or cheating if in doubt
4 Report Formatting and Production REMEMBER: think readability and navigation - help the reader! Printing costs etc are your responsibility - no free credits
5 Report Formatting and Production The project report (Chapters and Appendices) must be no longer than 18,000 words (limit not a target) Reports must be formatted with one-and-a-half or double spacing, with a 1.5 inch left margin and a 1-inch right margin Writing must be on one side of each sheet only and on A4 paper Binding will be carried out by the Computer Science Office or by the student when arranged in advance.
6 Report Format 1.A title page, containing: the title, author's name, date, and a sentence to indicate that the report is submitted as part of the degree of Software Engineering/Computer Science to the Board of Examiners in the Department of Computer Science, University of Durham. Word Count. Statement of original material.
7 Report Format 2.The second page must contain an abstract of words, summarising the project objectives, approach and achievement; 3.Subsequent pages should show a list of contents (chapter headings plus major section headings with page numbers; also titles of Appendices and a list of figures, each of which must be numbered).
8 Report Format 4.The body of the report. Each chapter should start on a new page. 5.References (and if necessary a bibliography – material read but not directly referenced). Both should be ordered alphabetically on author surname. 6.Appendices – this should include all necessary materials which have been excluded from the main text since they would disrupt the flow of the report if included in the main body.
9 Mark Scheme: CS Projects Four sources of information –January presentation (staff) –Supervision (supervisor) –Oral examination (supervisor + one other) –Report (supervisor + one other) Mapping onto these assessment areas (with weightings) –Technical content 60% –Background research 15% –Communication 15% –Management 10%
10 Mark Scheme: SE Projects Final Project 70% (supervisor + one other) –Problem Analysis (20%) –Technical Content (20%) –Project Evaluation (25%) –Communication Skills (5%) Design Review (Bench Test 1) 10% Project Oral (Bench Test 2) 10% Process Mark 5% (supervisor) Project Presentation 5%
11 Writing and Timing Do not let it drag on over Easter You need to get it out of the way, to get –Sufficient rest! –Preparation for revision (use timetables) There are not many weeks left - aim for efficiency now Think how you can maximise your marks
12 Writing Try to keep things short and simple Be very aggressive when editing - try to cross out irrelevant text, and be critical about whether something is clear Think readability - you need to help the examiners find what they are looking for The report as supporting evidence for what you have done
13 Writing Try top-down planning if not sure about how to write a chapter –Start by deciding which sections should be in a chapter –Then which sub-topics, and their order –Then bullet points for each paragraph –Be sure you know what each paragraph should achieve!
14 Summary Assessment criteria Tips on Writing