The Role of Leadership in Nonviolent Movements
Definition of leadership Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group to achieve a common goal.
What sorts of leadership do we find in different movements? Individualised leadership. Leadership by group or committee Charismatic, ideological and pragmatic leadership. Socialised vs personalised.
What is required of leadership in a nonviolent movement? Role of leadership: –To make primary decisions that will shape the conflict. –To serve as a rallying point for inspiration, courage and clarity of purpose. –Ability to articulate a vision. –Apparent self-sacrifice, confidence and communication skills. –Negotiator / moderator.
Common Characteristics of Successful Leaders Ability to inspire by various means: –Oratory and writing –Lead by example –Symbolism –Mobilise people to be non violent Not linked to any political party/institution. Appealing to the common man. Create a feeling of unity and solidarity within movement. Media savvy e.g. MLK. Religion. Offer clear alternative to current government to improve transition.
Negative Aspects Personal weaknesses may become weaknesses of the movement itself Vulnerable to repression. Too much reliance on individual –Aung San Suu Kyi Authoritarian? Non democratic Over emphasis on leadership leads to lack of strategic direction
How important is charismatic leadership? Motivating people to action. Ensuring nonviolent principles upheld. Absence of real leaders in some cases of successful movements: –Serbia –Denmark –Norway –Greenham Common –Philippines –South Africa
Conclusion Leaders are useful but not necessary. Depth of leadership, institutional structures (lines of succession). Success of struggle should not be tied to personal fortunes of leader. A leader alone is not enough. Need unity of purpose and strategy within movement.