MC Study of B° S Jianchun Wang Syracuse University BTeV meeting 06/27/01
Jianchun (JC) Wang2 Introduction Physics beyond the Standard Model B (B° K°) = 6.9 1.9 10 5 event/year (CLEO), 8.1 (BaBar) B° K S K K K S b d B° s d s s KSKS WW tcu
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang3 Reconstruction of track selection: Kaon hit RICH detector Num of hits > 20 Silicon hits 4 P > 4 GeV, P T > 0.2 GeV At least one P T > 0.4 GeV Applied later: DCA / > 3 Vertex fit: prob > 0.01 | M M | < 3 Mass constraint fit: benefit B reconstruction 3.9 MeV
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang4 Reconstruction of K S track selection: Num of hits > 10 P > 2 GeV, P T > 0.2 GeV At least one P T > 0.4 GeV Applied later: Each DCA / > 3 K S : DCA / > 3 Vertex fit: prob > 0.01 | M M K s | < 3 Mass constraint fit 3.7 MeV
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang5 Vertex Reconstruction K very soft in rest frame (P = 127 MeV/c) Poor vertex resolution: (290, 290, 4800) m Compare: J/ (26, 26, 250) m Primary vertex (13, 14, 108) m K S (130, 130, 2000) m B vertex: use trajectories of reconstructed and K S (63, 69, 1040) m BB KSKS Two methods for B vertex vertex B K S vertex
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang6 B Decay Length Decay length resolution: L ~ 4100 m using L ~ 660 m using K S Vertex fit: prob > 0.01 Applied later: L decay / L > 3 Efficiency of this cut 39% using 79% using K S B K S Use K + K vertex Use K S vertex
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang7 Background Event Main source: real and K S from bb event : narrow width, K ± identification with RICH K S : long life time, narrow width Decay branching ratio boost: (factor of 17.4) (D S, D , D +, C ) X 2.9 ( 5 only on charm side) K K S, K S , 5.9 = 1 / (0.5 0.492) Pre-selection: ( 2.2 10 ) Reject prompt (80% of 0.51), and K S (83% of 3.1) P, P T of tracks, same hemisphere, K S invariant mass ( GeV) Background events generated 254K ( 10% of a year running)
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang8 Further Reduction DCA/ ( ) DCA/ (K S ) DCA/ ( ) L decay / ( ) Signal (| M B | < 3 Bkg (| M B | < 12 With all other cuts applied in the plots ~ 26 m ~ 50 m ~ 27 m ~ 660 m
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang9 Signal Yield M K S (GeV) Signal = 2360 / year Background 148/4 9.8 = 363 / year S/N = 6.5 = 18 MeV
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang10 Effect of Smaller X-plane Trade off: multiple scattering, secondary interaction hits Trigger algorithm mainly rely on Y-plane (fixed at 10 cm) Size of X Plane (cm)
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang11 Size of Both Planes Change of efficiency and resolution is bigger This is a special case ( very poor time resolution ) The trigger efficiency is very interesting Size of Both Planes (cm)
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang12 Summary Study Decay B° K S, K K K S 2400/year signals expected, M = 18MeV, S/B 6.5 Pixel detector geometry has impact on reconstruction efficiency, time resolution and trigger efficiency Since this is very special mode (poor time resolution), we need to study more channels on this issue
06/27/01Jianchun (JC) Wang13 Total Signal B (B° K S ) = / 2 B ( K K B K S Total branching fraction = 1.16 Generic BB event = 2 / year Number of neutral B = 2 0.4 / event Signal yield = 1.86 / year Reconstructed = 2360 / year B° K S K K K S