Semiconductor Technology Associates Siliconus Maximus SDW2005 Scientific Detector Workshop June 19 – 25, 2005 Taormina, Italy Richard A Bredthauer Semiconductor Technology Associates, Inc Paseo Espada, Suite 1004 San Juan Capistrano, CA and Michael Lesser UA Imaging Technology Laboratory 325 S. Euclid Ave., Suite 117 Tucson AZ
Semiconductor Technology Associates CCD Growth Relentless growth to larger and larger devices with more and more pixels. Applications to Digital still photography and astronomy CMOS IMAGER
Semiconductor Technology Associates Guider Minimus STA1220A 2560x micron dual output ~ 3 electrons noise Guider for Carnegie and CFHT
Semiconductor Technology Associates KEPLER Space based planet finder –Prototype development –E2V did production 4-phase, 3-edge buttable CCD imager 2200 (Serial) X 1024 (Parallel) 27-micron square pixels, Split serial readout register at the bottom.
Semiconductor Technology Associates FAME Space based imager 3-phase, 3-edge buttable CCD imager 2048 (Serial) X 4096 (Parallel) 15-micron square pixels, Split serial injection register at the top Split serial readout register at the bottom.
Semiconductor Technology Associates Orthogonal Transfer Array Enables charge transfer in arbitrary directions Capable of performing tip-tilt directly within the CCD Collaborative program to PanSTARRS with CFHT and Lincoln Labs Source of OTAs for WIYN ODI program
Semiconductor Technology Associates Orthogonal Transfer Array 3840x3952 Array of 8 x 8 cells of 480x494 pixels 12 micron pixels Control lines for each cell Single readout for each column of 8 cells Second iteration this summer
Semiconductor Technology Associates STA0500A Custom lot run for UA astronomy 4kx4k 15 m pixels Two device per wafer Low noise amps Several other custom devices on wafers Two lots completed
Semiconductor Technology Associates STA0500A Measured Backside Performance 2.8 electrons 50 kHz HCTE and VCTE > Full well >80,000 electrons MPP mode 4 amplifiers –1,2, & 4 channel full frame readout Dark current C
Semiconductor Technology Associates UA Foundry Wafer 2 4kx4k CCDs x512 CCDs x800 CCDs 512x1024 FT guiders 128x128 AO devices
Semiconductor Technology Associates STA0500A CTE SN3556 HCTE SN3557 VCTE CTE >
Semiconductor Technology Associates Typical STA0500 Yield 44% unshorted from 24 wafers Grading: –A/B – 15 (astronomy grade) –C – 3 (engineering or special applications) –D/F – 5 (typically unusable) Standard package is 3.0” Kovar tub Available both frontside and backside
Semiconductor Technology Associates -115 C – Blue Optimized
Semiconductor Technology Associates -100 C – Broad Band
Semiconductor Technology Associates Magellan Imagery Received from ITL and imaging in Chile in a record 2 weeks LDSS III Spectrograph
Semiconductor Technology Associates Other Large Area Arrays 4kx8k Frame Store 8 micron pixels 16 outputs 2k x 2k 27 micron pixels 4 outputs
Semiconductor Technology Associates Maximus Full 6” wafer imager 10k x 10k pixels Greater than 100,000,000 pixels per frame Multiple low noise outputs –10 second full frame readout Backside thinned for max QE Brontosaurus of CCD imagers
Semiconductor Technology Associates Hypothetical cost analysis 6.4 gigapixel science grade array 80,000 x 80,000 pixels 400 4kx4k 15 micron CCD imagers –$50,000 each –Total cost of $20,000, kx10k 9 micron CCD imagers –$250,000 each –Total cost of $16,000, kx8k15 micron CCD imagers –$220,000 each –Total cost of $22,000,0000
Semiconductor Technology Associates Space Based Universe Corollary to Ground Based universe Can stir the public imagination CASSINI Mission –Last multibillion dollar NASA space mission > $3 Billion US Spectacularly successful accomplishment
Semiconductor Technology Associates CCD Results Outstanding imagery of the surface of Titan Equivalent 1 cm resolution from 1 billion km will require a 10,000 km telescope mirror 8x the diameter of Earth
Semiconductor Technology Associates Space Science DISR CCD was also used for the 1996 Mars Pathfinder Mission Comprehensive data for years of scientific analysis and a greater understanding of our solar system and universe.
Semiconductor Technology Associates FINE