Christianity Brian Lieberman Alex Manning
General Facts Centered around the life of Jesus Nazareth Christians believe that Jesus is the begotten Son of God and the Messiah Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity who suffered, died and was resurrected to bring salvation for sin Abrahamic religion (Judeo-Christian) Estimated between 1.5 and 2.1 billion followers
History Began as a Jewish sect in the eastern Mediterranean region around the 1 st Century. Persecuted until Constantine issued Edict of Toleration in 313 Emperor Theodosius established Catholic Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire in 380. Since then, Christianity has been a huge factor in the shaping of the west
History During the Early middle ages, The pope became a political player. At this time the Church was expanding, replacing the barbaric tribes with its own. As well as starting missionary works around the world. Later this would lead to the Crusades and Spanish Reconquistadors. Christianity was growing
The Crusades m?guidAssetId=6C5F 14D B859- E5BE2F07C2DC&bln FromSearch=1 - Council of Clermont
History: The Crusades Series of military campaigns in the Holy Land (Jerusalem) against Turkish expansion Alexios I of Byzantine Ultimately failed to stop Islamic aggression Schism between 7 th and 13 th centuries Inquisition established after crusades and East/West schism with the goal of suppressing heresy and securing religious and doctrinal unity within Christianity through conversion and prosecution
History: Reformation and Protestantism Martin Luther, and later John Calvin and Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli protested traditional Catholic teachings 1C0-359B-4E94-BE1A-FF AAA&blnFromSearch=1 1C0-359B-4E94-BE1A-FF AAA&blnFromSearch= F-4397-A5B6-5CDE666F8692&blnFromSearch=1 F-4397-A5B6-5CDE666F8692&blnFromSearch=1 Henry VIII declares himself as head of the Church of England,
Modern History Confronted with skepticism from new fronts of liberalism, nationalism, and socialism Ranged from general anti-clericalism to outright violence, such as found during the French Revolution Spanish Civil War, and Russian Revolution General shift of importance from east to west across Atlantic to the Americas
Practices and Beliefs Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit the death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascension of Christ the holiness of the Church and the communion of saints Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful. The belief that Jesus Christ was anointed by God as ruler and savior of humanity The word Messiah is derived from the Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ, which means anointed one, and is further translated into the Greek Χριστός which is Christos, and thus, the English “Christ” is derived
Controversies Discuss: The DaVinci Code Opus Dei Pedophilia Harry Potter / His Dark Materials