The Budget Development Process Important Facts Goals At a Glance Revenue Summary Program Summary Equalized Valuation Tax Impact Budget Adjustments
“We don’t feel we are in a position to recommend specific cuts.” “The Board should seek the 2% tax increase.” “Core Academic Programs need to be our priority.” “This process is not as simplistic as we imagined. The programs offerings are comprehensive.
1. NO NEW TAXES and implications of passing budget. 2. Reductions include: administrative and support staff. 3. Privatization and revenue centers...
“Planned Programs can now be maintained as a result of the tentative joint agreements and the anticipated reduction to Health Care Costs.” “There will be NO NEW TAXES as a result of the increased State Aid.”
Important Facts NBC’s Proposed General Fund Tax Levy is ZERO (0%) Increase. * SFRA (School Funding Reform Act) caps Tax Levy increase to 2%. NBC’s General Fund State Aid increased 2.56% or $310,377 Solar Project Capital Reserve budget contribution = $100,000 12% reduction in Administrative Costs State assessed a fee for SDA construction grants for $61,709 Ed Jobs Fund (Federal Stimulus monies) = $401,000. * Note: NBC is eligible for a 2% cap increase in addition to several cap waivers. However, the Board has decided not to increase spending by exercising the 2% cap or implementing cap waiver options.
General Fund Budget $29,564,725* *2.5% Decrease BUDGET AT A GLANCE
This figure includes general fund, federal funds, and debt service. $100,000 ‘CORE Energy Rebate’ Applied to Debt Service Tax Levy to Lower Taxes. Total Budget $32,941,781* *2.09% Decrease BUDGET AT A GLANCE
This is the figure voters will be asked to approve in the school election on April 27, Amount to be raised in taxes For the General Fund budget. $15,996,421* *NO NEW TAXES BUDGET AT A GLANCE
2002 $10,510, $10,866,744 +$310,377 (1%) Revenue Summary State Aid In Review
General Fund Revenue Summary
Program Description Proposed INC/DEC%INC/DEC General Current Expense Regular Programs - Instruction$8,614,630$8,678,593$63, % Special Education - Instruction$1,619,284$1,582,606($36,678)-2.27% Basic Skills/Remedial - Instruction$465,256$417,280($47,976)-10.31% Bilingual Education - Instruction$12,615$10,504($2,111)-16.73% Vocational Program - Local$438,716$436,792($1,924)-0.44% Activities - Instruction$311,226 $00.00% School-Sponsored Athletics$717,357 $00.00% Other Instructional Programs$0 Community Services Operations$275 $00.00% Undistributed Expenditures: Instruction - Special Education Tuition$859,708$1,016,346$156, % Attendance & Social Work Services$147,867$150,507$2, % Health Services$311,158$300,962($10,196)-3.28% Other Support Ser-Students-Req-Guidance$738,661$713,240($25,421)-3.44% Oth. Supp. Serv.-Std. Rel & Ext$559,015$571,332$12, % Other Support Services - Special -CST$704,822$659,415($45,407)-6.44% Improv of Instr Serv/Oth Sup Ser$451,434$452,948$1, % Library$181,324$180,241($1,083)-0.60% Instructional Staff Training Services$284,627$282,200($2,427)-0.85% Support Services - Gen. Adm$676,214$671,433($4,781)-0.71% Support Services - School Admin$1,251,947$1,104,597($147,350)-11.77% Central Services - Admn & Info Technology$484,168$480,513($3,655)-0.75% Operation and Maint. Of Plant$3,356,775$3,217,510($139,265)-4.15% Student Transportation Services$1,855,639$1,936,881$81, % Business/Other Support Services$0 Employee Benefits$6,097,522$5,270,296($827,226)-13.57% Food Services$0 0.00% Appropriation to Emergency Reserve$0 0.00% Total Undistributed Expense$17,960,881$17,008,421($952,460)-5.30% TOTAL GENERAL CURRENT EXPENSE$30,140,240$29,163,054($977,186)-3.24% Total Capital Outlay$173,912$372,533$198, % Total Adult Education - Local Instruction$9,610$0($9,610) % Transfer Funds to Charter School $29,138 #DIV/0! GENERAL FUND GRAND TOTAL$30,323,762$29,564,725($759,037)-2.50%
Northern Burlington County Regional School District Tax Impact At A Glance Total/AverageChesterfieldMansfieldNorth HanoverSpringfield Projected Assessed Value 2/1/11:$2,912,399,054$714,138,185$1,324,298,974$428,453,160$445,508,735 Share of N.B.C. Tax Levy General Fund Tax Levy$15,996,421$3,480,460$7,294,959$2,314,777$2,906,225 General Fund Tax Rate$0.487$0.551$0.540$0.652 General Fund Tax Increase/(Decrease) *TBD($0.013)TBD$0.033 Debt Service Tax Levy$2,015,105$438,441$918,962$291,598$366,104 Debt Service Tax Rate$0.061$0.069$0.068$0.082 Debt Service Tax Rate Increase/(Decrease)TBD($0.004)TBD$0.00 Total General & Debt Tax Levy$18,011,526$3,918,902$8,213,922$2,606,374$3,272,328 Total General & Debt Tax Rate$0.549$0.620$0.608$0.735 Total Increase/(Decrease) in TaxesTBD($0.016)TBD$0.035 Average Assessed Home$396,500$340,200$319,400$321,400 Average Tax Increase/(Decrease)($79.64)($44.00)($19.47)$ * Please note that in 2010, Chesterfield and North Hanover Townships completed a reassessment of real estate values. Therefore the real estate tax impact is contigent upon a homes' reassessed value. Accordingly, the tax rate implication noted above may or may not decrease your tax bill.