Boys vs Girls Paul Taylor rl.htm
Continuing from last week...
Schell’s Observations What males like to see in a game 1.Mastery 2.Competition 3.Destruction 4.Spatial Puzzles 5.Trial and Error
Schell’s Observations What females like to see in a game 1.Emotion 2.Real World 3.Nurturing 4.Dialog and Verbal Puzzles 5.Learning by Example
Application to your assignment With simple gameplay you probably do not need gender specific rules or mechanics What can be done to quickly and effectively make two versions of your game specific to girls and boys?
Theme it Up! There are millions of Mobile Phone skins – Some very girlie – Some super macho – Some questionable Themes do not usually change the Phone mechanics Themes include sounds!
The original iPhone theme As per skeletor mmerboard-default/Default.jpg
The Gears of War iPhone che/18958.png
The Hello Kitty iPhone e_Theme____Hello_Kitty___by_luv3rboyz.png
2x Games Effort increase: Game Mechanics – No change Programming – Art integration – Perhaps differing collision detections Artwork – 200% You’ve got to do 2x as much work
Taxonomies Taxonomy is the science of classification – Thus a taxonomy is a generalisation As such, we don’t 100% rely on these They are tools, not THE tools Now for the first one of GDT
Bartle’s Taxonomy of Player Types Players World Interacting Acting AchieversKillers Socialisers Explorers
Destruction? Nurturing? Players World Interacting Acting AchieversKillers Socialisers Explorers
Side Note
Avoid Uncanny Valley It may be a myth, but if it proves to be real, you do NOT want to visit. Uncanny Valley is how Masahiro Mori related human empathy to human likeness. The Polar Express was considered creepy by many
The End