PARKTONIAN HOTEL JOHANNESBURG 5-6 DECEMBER 2011 PRESENTED BY FIONA G. MAGAYA ZCTU DFL PROJECT COORDINATOR Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions Final meeting 2011 & 2012 plan of action
Conclusions of final meeting 2011 Agreed on the following: That the campaign had been successful despite the challenges faced in between; The campaign needed to be expanded to the other industries; Particular focus needs to be put on domestic workers in light of the new Convention189: Gender awareness to be intensified; Need to lobby for more support of the campaign by Union leadership. Need for mobilisation of more financial resources at ITUC level. Zimbabwe Campaign needs to improve its coverage on My wage indicator by including discussions on other topical issues which affect young women like sexual harassment. Currently the website focussed more on the minimum wages, collective bargaining issues and challenges faced in the enforcement of collective bargaining agreements.
2012 objectives to 2015 To train a young women team of trainers who will educate others in return; To effectively disseminate information to benefit the target group; To establish a DFL Zimbabwe Facebook network To launch a DFL Zimbabwe magazine to enhance communication with the young women. To empower the members and to enhance visibility of the trade union through a powerful campaign; To participate actively in the current labour law reform to influence gender sensitive policy measures in Zimbabwe.
Sectors to be covered Commercial sector; Railways Chemicals and plastics industry Domestic sector; Agriculture – farm workers City council workers Security sector; Catering and Hotel Tobacco industry Education Textile and Clothing industries Informal sector
Planned activities for 2012 Training of trainers; Information dissemination through material distribution Debates and discussions on gender based violence and sexual harassment involving unions and civic society; Exhibitions at Agricultural shows and book fairs. Leadership training and shop stewardship Road shows Visiting colleges / schools for discussions on topics affecting the young. More workplace mobilisations and recruitment. Commemoration of IWD and WDDW.
Coordination of the campaign with the affiliates. DFL campaign to be implemented through national centre regional structures in collaboration with campaign team and union organisers. To utilise existing women and young workers structures in affiliates to communicate and mobilise. To utilise skilled officers to capacitate the young women. To
Conclusion We plan to be more involved in the labour law reform which is currently taking place in order to lobby for amendment of sections of the law which affect women like maternity protection, family responsibility leave, sick leave and protection from discrimination and sexual harassment.