Leadership HRT 383
Thanks to: Robert H. Woods and Judy Z. King, co- authors of Quality Leadership and Management in the Hospitality Industry Gary Yukl, author of Leadership in Organizations (5 th Edition) Dr. Larry Kemper, presenter of Executive Leadership (ULV, Fall 2001) Jim Collins, author of Good to Great
Change & The J-Curve What is a J-Curve? What is changing rapidly today? Why? What affect does this have on managers and leaders?
Major Areas of Change for Us Changes in management information systems (MIS) Changes in business conditions Changes in guests’ expectations (Woods & King, 1996)
Common Changes Flatter organizations Redistribution of power and responsibility Move of decision making (problem solving) to the lowest possible level (Woods & King, 1996)
Results of These Changes For managers and leaders, these changes have redefined: Roles Responsibilities Competencies And change will continue….
For You “Getting a management job today and keeping it tomorrow requires a willingness to change” on your part… Woods & King, 1996
Traditional Management Styles (Woods & King, 1996) High Concern Democratic???? for People Low BureaucraticAutocratic LowHigh ConcernFor Results
A Typical GM John Kotter discovered: The typical GM’s day was unplanned Most of a GM’s time with others was spent in short, disjointed conversations Discussions of a single question or issue rarely lasted more than ten minutes Woods & King, 1996
Is this Good? Kotter’s findings sound like what not to do! Success comes from: Agenda-Setting: figuring out what to do despite uncertainty, great diversity, and the flow of an enormous amount of potentially relevant information Network-Building: getting things done through a large and diverse set of people despite having little direct control over most of them Remember Covey’s phrase: “Organize and execute around priorities”
Management vs. Leadership Do things right Direct operations Enforce policies and rules Design procedures and tasks Control results Foster stability (Woods & King, 1996) Do the right things Monitor guest expectations Communicate vision and values Manage systems and processes Support people Engage in continuous improvement
Leadership Myths Bennis & Goldman Born, not made Charismatic Control and prod ALL Manipulate Rare skill Only at the top MYTHS!
Leadership Defined Paul Hersey: “…leadership success is much more than just showing up. It is the application of tested concepts and the ‘timing’ skills necessary to get things done.”
Leadership Defined Ron Heifetz: “…we may find it useful to define leadership as an activity. This allows leadership from multiple positions in a social structure. A president and a clerk can both lead.”
Factors of Leadership John Kotter Leaders understand the concepts of: Capacity Achievement Responsibility Participation Status Situation
Effective Leader Behavior - 1 Peter Drucker Not “What do I want?” but “What needs to be done?” Asks, “What can and should I do to make a difference?” Focuses on the organizational vision, mission and goals Tolerant of diversity of people – no clones
Effective Leader Behavior - 2 Peter Drucker Not afraid of strength in their associates Intolerant in the area performance, standards, and values Submit themselves to the “mirror” test – seeks authenticity
Good to Great (Jim Collins) Level 5 Leadership Level 5 leaders channel their ego needs away from themselves The focus is on a larger goal of building a great company Ambition is directed toward the company
Good to Great (Jim Collins) First Who, Then What This is not just about assembling the right team—that’s nothing new The main point is to first get the right people on the bus Get the wrong people off the bus Get the right people in the right seats Then figure out where the bus is going
Good to Great (Jim Collins) Confront the Brutal Facts All good to great companies began the process of finding a path to greatness by confronting the brutal facts of their current reality The Stockdale Paradox “We will find a way to prevail”
Good to Great (Jim Collins) Hedgehog Concept A Hedgehog Concept is not a goal to be the best It is a strategy to be the best, an intention to be the best, a plan to be the best at the one thing the company can be best at “What we can be best at”
Good to Great (Jim Collins) Building the Company's Vision A company's vision is built from two components: A core ideology An envisioned future A core ideology cannot be word crafted into existence in an afternoon No “growing pains”
Three Important Factors Woods & King These three factors limit a manager’s flexibility in adopting different management or leadership styles Manager’s personal background Characteristics of the organization’s employees Culture of the organization
What Can You Do? - 1 Work on the three factors, but in the order given Personal Background Knowledge Skills Feelings → Attitudes → Behaviors Personality Experiences
What Can You Do? - 2 With management and staff Get to know people as individuals Adjust your style with individuals Be a successful team-builder Organizational Culture The most challenging to affect Be flexible Be knowledgeable about alternative styles
From James O’Toole “We will never be able to find the perfect leader. All are flawed because all are like us.”