SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Water Demand Management in the City of the Future Water supply and sustainable urban water management
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 The Urban Water Cycle Source: SEQ Healthy Waterways Partnership ( The SWITCH approach to urban water management: Integration = more sustainable
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Water supply and the urban water cycle Stormwater WastewaterWater supply Water quality Potential resource Sewer capacities Water treatment standards Potential resource Wastewater volume The Urban Water Cycle
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Water supply and urban development Parks, gardens and recreation Local economic development Health Waste management Energy
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Conventional approach to water supply management Increased abstractions from rivers and aquifers The construction of storage reservoirs The transfer of water from areas with a surplus The use of energy and chemicals for water treatment
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Drawbacks of the conventional approach to water supply management Unsustainable use of local resources Cost Carbon emissions Wasteful use of resources Non-flexible
SWITCH Training Kit: Pilot Training, Entebbe, July 2010 Increased urbanisation Inadequately designed and maintained infrastructure Changing weather patterns due to climate change Increasing challenges Increasing demand for water Increasing costs for energy