Human Centric Computing (Comp 106)Assignment 2 PROPOSAL 21 Our task is to design a new user interface for the Liverpool University Library catalogue system.


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Presentation transcript:

Human Centric Computing (Comp 106)Assignment 2 PROPOSAL 21 Our task is to design a new user interface for the Liverpool University Library catalogue system. The new design must take a direct Manipulation style of interface Using a metaphor from real life as it’s basis, that users can identify with. Allowing even the most inexperienced user navigate the catalogue

The Current Design The current design is very simple and fairly easy to navigate for anyone experienced with web page navigation. However many of it’s features overlap and some are fairly confusing.

The New Design The metaphor I have decided to use for the catalogue is the library it’s self. Although this sounds fairly complex my intention is to make use of the aspects of the real library that people are familiar with.

University of Liverpool Library Catalogue Contact Us Book Search & Book Suggestions Your Library Record & Renew Fact Books Fiction Books HELP

Searching There are two ways of finding a book The first is to click on either of the two book shelves and brows the various category’s The second is to click on the computer on the main interface screen and do a search for the book via author/subject/title etc.

Why Fact or Fiction Bookshelves? The current search engine seems to frequently confuses these two categorises of books As books never belong within both categories separating them completely will narrow the users search substantially. Allowing them to more easily find what they are looking for.

Browsing Via the bookshelves Clicking on a bookshelves will take the user to a second screen, like the first this uses the metaphor for a book shelve. This bookshelf will hold various sub-categories the user can choose from by clicking on a book under the heading. As the user clicks they with be taken to further bookshelves with more sub- categories Each click the search will be narrowed bringing them closer the the desired category of book.

000 - Generalities 100 – Philosophy & Psychology 200 – Religion 300 – Social Science Languages 500 – Natural Science & Mathematics 600 – Technology & Applied Science Arts Choose a Subject 800 – Literature 900 – Geography & History Start Over

Browsing complete Once the user has narrowed the options down to it’s final book case and has chosen the last sub-category. The user will be taken to a page showing an open book. On the pages of the book there will be a list of books than meet the users requirements Clicking on the name of the book will then take the user another page containing the details for the book.

Start Over Page backPage forward NAMEYEARIN STOCK Crime prevention in the 20 th century 1969Yes Crime Watch1992Out

Search Engine The Search engine Will be accessed by clicking on the computer on the Main UI It will work in pretty much the same way as the book shelf search, giving the user options on each page including the ability to enter keywords until it narrows the search.

Limit Search to Journals Electronic resources Theses Special editions Science fiction Reading lists Off prints Start Over

Search For Title Author Keyword Subject Library of Congress Class Number International Standard Book Number or International Standard Serials Number Start Over

Type the name of the Author and hit enter or click on search Start Over Search

Internal ( conceptual ) model Main Page FactFictionSearchContact s Record & Renew Limit search Search For Search Parameter Borrowing Record Renew Category Result The bookshelves operations for Fact are principally the same as fiction. Both these bookshelves objects/operations can be scaled to the individual needs on the subject and it’s subcategories.