The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin’s Organisational Structure 5 faculties 29 departments 50+ programmes numerous pathways and modules
Faculty Department 1 Department 2 Programme AProgramme BProgramme CProgramme D PathwaysPathwaysPathwaysPathways The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin’s Organisational Structure
The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin’s Organisational Structure Business School Department 1Department 2 Programme A Programme B Programme C
Key Postholders in the Faculties: Deans Associate Deans Heads of Department Programme Leaders Pathway Leaders Module Leaders The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin’s Organisational Structure
Key Postholders centrally: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Quality & Enhancement) Director of Academic and Quality Systems Office Head of Quality Assurance Institutional Quality Assurance Officer (External Examiners & TQI) Faculty Quality Assurance Officers The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Anglia Ruskin’s Organisational Structure
Tier One – Departmental Assessment Panels Modules Academic Standards (including mean marks, standard deviation and comparison with performance from previous years/assessment periods) Considering the performance of students registered on modules Approving the marks achieved by students on modules Awarding credit for the achievement of students on modules Determining the necessary action to retrieve failed modules The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Two-Tier Assessment Structure
Tier Two – Faculty Awards Boards receiving and confirming recommendations on claims of mitigating circumstances confirming eligibility for awards on the basis of accumulated credit in accordance with the Pathway Specification Form considering the overall performance of students enrolled on pathways conferring awards [awarding credit to students on modules passed by compensation] The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Two-Tier Assessment Structure
regular attendance at, and participation in assessment board meetings and discussions approve proposed assessment tasks prior to use moderate assessed student work academic standards comparability: other UK HEIs and external reference points fairness and due process annual report ALL ON BEHALF OF THE ANGLIA RUSKIN SENATE The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Expectations of External Examiners
advice and guidance to Module Leader/Module Team/Assessment Panel/Awards Board recommend changes where necessary support should not be unduly withheld the external examiner is a member of an Assessment Panel/Awards Board; has no extra powers all decision are Assessment Panel/Awards Boards decisions The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Powers & Limitations
An external examiner should not be: personally associated with the sponsorship of students required to assess colleagues who are students involved with Anglia Ruskin placements or training The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Impartiality
Head of Department Faculty Quality Assurance Officer Associate Dean (with responsibility for quality assurance) Chris Collins, Institutional Quality Assurance Officer (External Examiners & TQI), Quality Assurance Division Corriene Thompson, Administrative Assistant, Quality Assurance Division Paul Baxter, Head of Quality Assurance Lesley Dobree, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Quality & Enhancement) The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Support we provide
The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Approving Assessment Tasks Items that require external examiner approval: examination papers other major items of assessment External examiners need: the relevant Module Definition Form (MDF) the relevant Module Guide the published assessment criteria marking scheme/indicative answers sufficient time
The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Approving Assessment Tasks The external examiner is therefore looking for: evidence of appropriate academic standards clarity fairness coverage Purpose: to comment on suitability of tasks with regard to academic standards and comparability with similar provision elsewhere
all assessment methods sampling: minimum of 6 or 5%, whichever the greater; to cover range of performance presented with agreed marks – not a second or third marker posting of work/attendance prior to meetings access to all work The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Moderating Assessed Work
moderate all marks up, down or request complete re- marking cannot change individual marks Assessment Panel decision The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin Moderating Assessed Work
The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin The External Examiner's Annual Report standard template for both Tier One (DAP) and Tier Two (Awards Boards) submitted from July onwards deadline of end of September TQI requirements
The External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin The External Examiner's Annual Report (cont.) individual students should not be identified read by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Quality & Enhancement) and Head of Quality Assurance included as part of the annual monitoring process part of contract; no report = no fee!