Case Based Reasoning Melanie Hanson Engr 315
What is Case-Based Reasoning? Storing information from previous experiences Using previously gained knowledge to solve current problems Similar to human problem solving methods
Basic Steps Identify the problem/case Look for a similar, previously experienced case Predict a solution, possibly different from past experiences Evaluate the solution Update the system with the results
4 General Concepts Retrieve –Find similar cases Reuse –Use old case to solve current case Revise –Create a solution Retain –Save the correct solution
Representation Issues Decide what to store Choosing the appropriate structure Organizing memory General knowledge
How are old cases used? Compositional: Combine several solutions to make one best solution Transformational: Use the solution from a previous case Derivational: Apply the solution achieving process
Why Case-Based Reasoning is Good Low maintenance Improves with use Uses learned knowledge plus general knowledge Case representation is easy to understand
Trends in Case Based Reasoning Integrate with other learning methods Integrate with other reasoning components Incorporate into massive parallel processing Advancement by focusing on new cognitive aspects
Applications of CBR Help desks Diagnosing problems Decision making when considering past similar situations