Presented by: Chase Tomlinson
Table-of-contents Attend Class Time Management Daily Study Sessions Study Plan Take Good Notes Organize Your Notes The Proper Place Minimize Distractions Prove it to Yourself Take Care of Yourself
Is This YOU???
#1 Attend Class... Attending class is the most important step in studying Along with reading the required text
Manage your time Know that school and studying is the most important day to day activity. Use your time as wisely as possible
Daily, not once! The average students method, consists of: Last minute CRAMMING Proper: Short study sessions daily Including short breaks when needed
Note taking The second most important study tip is taking Good, Clear notes. Keep your notes organized Minimize the highlighting to the most important topics
The perfect place Find the right place for you Some people have to have silence, while others need some soft music Minimize the distractions Phones Television Friends
Personal Quiz time Have a fellow classmate create a quiz for you Find out what you missed and focus more on them topics
personal care Eat healthy Get enough sleep Stay active Treat yourself right REWARD YOURSELF FOR A SUCCESSFUL TEST!
What Cramming Can Cause!
references Content: y_skill_index.htm y_skill_index.htm s.cfm s.cfm Picture: olcat-literacy/ olcat-literacy/