1 Session-8 CSIT 121 Spring 2006 Chapter 3 continued Text string processing (Functions to search for a sub-string, count the length of names and compare two strings) Example demo program Lesson 3-5 Exercises 1,2,3 Lab sheet : Extend Exercise 3 so that your program searches for a pattern “ob” in your full name and reports “pattern found” or “not found” on the screen
2 Demo Program for Strings void main () { string myname, yourname; int mylength, yourlength; int pos; cout<<"Enter first user's full name"; getline(cin,myname); cout<<"Enter second user's full name"; getline(cin,yourname); mylength = int (myname.length()); yourlength = int (yourname.length()); cout<<"My name is "<<mylength<<" characters long"<<endl; cout<<"Your name is "<<yourlength<<" characters long"<<endl; if (myname>yourname) cout<<"My name is longer"<<endl; else cout<<"Your name is longer"<<endl; pos = myname.find('Z'); if (pos != -1) cout<<"Zub occurs at position "<<pos<<endl; cout<<myname.substr(5,6)<<endl; }