THE END OF BREZHNEV Brezhnev’s death long anticipated Increasingly infirm & senile Died Nov. 10, 1982 GORBACHEV AND REFORM
INTERREGNUM Succeeded by IURII ANDROVPOV, 1982 Former head of KGB Attempted limited reform But died after only 15 months in office GORBACHEV AND REFORM
Next leader = KONSTANTIN CHERNENKO, 1984 Brezhnev protégé Even older & sicker than Andropov In absence, MIKHAIL GORBACHEV took on many leadership duties INTERREGNUM
GORBACHEV AND REFORM USSR UNDER GORBACHEV ( ) A New Leadership Style Young, confident, charismatic Good on TV Very popular in West
GORBACHEV AND REFORM USSR UNDER GORBACHEV ( ) First Reforms: The Economy Tightened labor discipline Tried to combat poor quality & corruption Restricted sale of vodka
GORBACHEV AND REFORM USSR UNDER GORBACHEV ( ) GLASNOST New “openness” Meant to bolster economic reforms Challenged official secrecy & Party monopoly Chernobyl disaster Andrei Sakharov
GORBACHEV AND REFORM USSR UNDER GORBACHEV ( ) PERESTROIKA “Restructuring” Some elements of market economy Some measure of democracy
GORBACHEV AND REFORM SOVIET CULTURE Effects of Glasnost’ Open discussion of everything End of dissident repression Reassessment of history End of Party interference with art & literature Publication of previously banned books