Footer to be inserted here 1 DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR and CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER CHANGE FORUM Tim Sprague, Director HR Thursday 2 nd July.


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Presentation transcript:

Footer to be inserted here 1 DEPUTY VICE CHANCELLOR and CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER CHANGE FORUM Tim Sprague, Director HR Thursday 2 nd July

Footer to be inserted here 2 REVIEW: DVC and COO Portfolio BACKGROUND & RATIONALE FOR CHANGE Paul Bowler resigns – April 2009 Substantial changes in the University and in demands on the role Scope of the role:10 direct reports Oversight of two wholly owned entities Opportunity to review now, prior to recruiting new incumbent.

Footer to be inserted here 3 DVC COO Org. Chart - Pre April 2009 Deputy VC Chief Operating Officer and Registrar VICE CHANCELLOR Financial Services Information Technolog y Academic Registrar Student Wellbeing Major Projects Student Systems Access MQProperty Trust Internal Audit Sustain- ability Facilities General Counsel / University Secretary

Footer to be inserted here 4 Report Scope..... Waterview Consulting Pty Ltd examined: Functions of the role Positions and Units reporting to the role Positions and Units delivering Student Support services Governance functions University wide strategic and planning roles Administrative support functions at Macquarie and other Unis. The Change Proposal was developed around Waterview Consulting’s Report and Executive input.

Footer to be inserted here 5 GOALS OF THE CHANGE To provide the simplest and most cost effective structure To ensure the number of direct reports to the DVC - COO is manageable To establish the required administrative functions to support and serve the University To create logical and easily understood structural relationships between the functions To provide high levels of student service and support.

Footer to be inserted here 6 Summary of Proposed changes Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Chief Operating Officer Executive Vice-Chancellor Executive (Chair) Financial Services Information Technology & Retail Major Projects Access MQ Internal AuditProperty Trust General Counsel / University Secretary Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Provost) Executive Chief Financial Officer Executive Director, Student Experience Executive Chief Information Officer Academic Registrar: Coursework Studies, COE, Academic Programs Sustainability Institutional Research and Strategic Planning Facilities Printery Campus Engagement Student Wellbeing Accommodation Services (International & Registrar) Key: Currently in place To commenceNew DVC to review Records and Archives Pro Vice- Chancellor (Social Inclusion) Scholarships FOI Pending review of Academic Registrar Units Student Business Systems

Footer to be inserted here 7 LIKELY EFFECTS OF THE CHANGE The major change for most staff will be in reporting lines. The vast majority of staff within units that move will remain in those units performing, essentially, the same roles. No work unit will be closed, however, some management roles will be affected. Other than change in reporting lines, specific effects will be: Creation of the role Director, Student Experience Accommodation services will combine to form a new unit bringing some work design changes. A review of design change processes to align them is envisaged, but there are no plans to physically move staff. The Director IT role will be expanded and become Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Footer to be inserted here 8 Likely effects continued..... The FOI approval and coordination process will move to the General Council area, with the task of collating documents to remain in Records and Achieves. This will affect the role of Manager and Freedom of Information Officer which will change in title to Manger Records and Achieves and prompt a review of process around coordination and approval of FOI application processing. It is not envisaged these changes will make any position redundant. Primary changes will be to reporting lines and, in a few cases, to workflow. In addition to these changes, two areas have been flagged to undergo further review:

Footer to be inserted here 9 Up coming reviews: Property Services incorporates: Major Projects Property Trust Facilities. After working in the role for some time, the reporting structure of these areas will be reviewed by the DVC COO Review of Student Services will consider the operations of: Student Systems Academic Services Coursework Studies Academic Programs COE If the recommendations of these reviews generate proposals which have significant effects on staff, there will be further change proposals and consultation.

Footer to be inserted here 10 CONSULTATION AND TIME LINES Affected staff may respond to the proposed changes through written submissions to the Director HR – Tim Sprague by 6 July The general meeting held today provides further opportunities for discussion regarding the proposals. Affected staff are welcome to contact Ms Andrea Lerche in Human Resources for further information and advice on the consultation process. From 6 July there will be a two week period to 20 July 2009 in which the University will consider feedback from staff, submissions, and any alternate proposals. Staff will be provided a summary of the feedback at the conclusion of this period, and details of any amendments to the proposal as a consequence of the feedback.