CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages Pew Learning and Technology Workshop 4/17/2017June 4, 2001 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages Carl Alphonce alphonce@cse.buffalo.edu 219 Bell Hall walters@buffalo.edu
CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages Today’s lecture Announcements Homework Syllabus Spring 2008 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages Announcements Recitations begin next week. Regular office hours begin next week. (If you need to see me this week, we can set up an appointment.) Spring 2008 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages HOMEWORK: Make a sign with your first name on it Use one letter-size piece of paper Creativity counts Best sign will win a prize Bring your sign with you to each class Spring 2008 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages
SIGN AND TURN IN SIGNATURE FORM Syllabus The who, what, when, where, why and how of the course. SIGN AND TURN IN SIGNATURE FORM Spring 2008 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages
CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages Next time Bring name signs Begin course content Spring 2008 CSE 305 Introduction to Programming Languages