ENERGY CONSERVATION IN CCIS HEADQUARTERS BUILDING IN LJUBLJANA Jože Renar Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia
BASIC TECHNICAL DATA OF THE BUILDING Dimensions (m) (LxWxH) 55x27,5x25 Netto surface m2 7 floors 2 level basement garages 7.000m2 offices 3.486m2 Corridors and communications 2.992m2 Halls 927m2 Sanitary blocks 456m2 Engine and technical rooms 1106 m2
ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES Ownership of the house Simple measures, no big investmets consided, only if payback time is less than one year Quality of living in the bulding and quality of operating the building should not be reduced
ENERGY CONSERVATION IN CCIS ELECTRICITY Our focus was electricity Substantial price growth in 2009 Annual consuption was about 1.17 milion kWh ( €/year)
ENERGY CONSERVATION IN CCIS ELECTRICITY Installed Power CapacitykWShare HVAC37165% Lighting12622% ITC7012% Total567100%
AIR CONDITIONING 18 air conditioning sytems for the halls, corridors, meeting rooms, kitchen, restaurant, sanitary blocks Aprox. 100 fan coils for offices 4 water chillers Air handling units for halls have no heat recovery systems
AIR CONDITIONING CONSERVATION MEASURES Introduction of night cooling using only cool fresh air. Starting in early mornings for the main part of AC sytems Switch off all cooling sytems and their corresponding pumps at 21p.m. Adopt operation of AC Systems for halls according to their occupation Introduction of fixed time schedule for the operation of the fans in fan coils in all offices from 7a.m. to 18 p.m. Instruction for the employees to switch off fan coils when they leave their offices
LIGHTING Total capacity 126 kW Operation 7-21 o´clock –working days fluorescent bulbs, compact fluorescent bulbs mostly and reflectors Daily operation time schedules -no light sensors Reduction of the lighting-upopular
LIGHTING CONSERVATION MEASURES Reduction of the use of reflectors as standard lighting where flourescent bulbs are available Strict time scedule programming of lighting and their manual adjustments to the weather conditions in halls and corridors Reduction of lighting in garage, sanitary blocks, and some corridors Instructions for employees to turn the lights off after use in sanitary blocks, copy rooms, utilities
ITC CONSERVATION MEASURES Rearangement of servers in computer room and their more efficient use Improvements of cooling systems of server room Instructions for the employees, to switch off their computers, printers and accessories daily
RESULTS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Peak load is important indicator of power consumption Highest values are achieved in the warmest summer days Our program started in July 2010
RESULTS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES Reduced electricity consumption of kWh in 7 months (-17%) Reduced costs of € what means 2071€/month or €/year Total investments cost of aprox €
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Jože Renar Director of Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry of Slovenia