土壤菌 Bacillus 之分離 與 木聚糖水解脢及纖維素水解脢活性分析 學 生:何季庭 指導教授:杜 鎮 研究員
杜鎮 中研院植物所 425 室 學經歷:德國慕尼黑大學博士
Introduction Xylanase, CMCase 廢料的處理 資源回收再利用 農業畜牧業的利用 Bacillus Cloning Technique
Method—Sample preparation 土壤樣品的採取 Bacillus 分離 單株分離 Congo red assay 多糖類水解脢活性分析 Zymogram
Congo Red Assay Xylan Congo red Acetate
Zymogram Read protein size then calculate the gene size Supernatant, pellet
Method—Cloning Technique Insert : Chromosome DNA extraction Partial digest ( Sau3AI ) Gel extraction ( 500bp-2kb ) Vector : Puc19 Digested by HindIII Alkaline phosphotase Gel extraction
Partial Digestion
Puc19 digested by HindIII
Method—Cloning Technique Ligation Electroporesis
Method—Clones Assay Ampicillin-IPTG-X-gal assay ( Blue-white assay ) Congo red assay Plasmid extraction, restriction enzyme check Zymogram
Plasmid Assay Digested by PvyII, two cut sites on pUC19
Method—Further experiment Subcloning Sequencing Protein purification Protein activity assay Commercial application Further research
Result 32 xylanase active bacilli were isolated 28 CMCasa active bacilli were isolated No xylanase or CMCase active clone was detected
Discussion Partial digest Ampicillin affects congo red assay Blue-white assay efficiency is not so reliable
The reason of failure Immature operating!! Bacillus anthracis str. KrugerB, unfinished sequence Accession: NC_ Number of Contigs: 887 Total Bases Sequenced: 10 mbNC_ The gene we are seeking: bp Rate: get 1 positive clone in more than clones!!
The End Thank you for your attention