The Evolution of Fisheries in The Gambia and Fisheries Statistics
The opportune location The River Gambia discharges into Atlantic Ocean The Gambia is located in an area affected by trade winds, canary current and upwelling system These natural conditions support aquatic fauna and flora
The Creation of a fisheries management institution 1964 and 1965 resources potential surveys by FAO and UNDP. As results were positive, it was recommended that an institution to manage fisheries resources be set up In 1967 after independence, a FISHERIES DIVISION was set up
The mandate and subsequent activities The Fisheries Division was mandated to manage; all aspects of fisheries policy including organization of fishermen and other people concerned; improvement of socio- economic conditions through mechanization and development of fishing craft, gears and equipment; fishing techniques; fish distribution and procurement of supplies; training; development of industrial fishing; research; collection and analysis of statistics; conservation and control.
Activities of Fisheries Division. By end of 1967 GOTG approved a sum of £4000 for the setting up a credit scheme for artisanal fishermen and cooperatives 1968, the first industrial was registered. The Fisheries Division during the 1970s focused primarily on the development of artisanal fisheries; on experimental trawl fishing and on stock assessment of fisheries of the River Gambia and marine waters set up fisheries statistics system
Creation of Fisheries Department 1977, an ACT of Parliament was passed to established Fisheries Department The same broadens the scope of management “Concerted public sector involvement in the management of the fisheries and the development of a fishing industry on a planned basis” And in 1978, Fisheries Department was established 1978, ratification of UN Convention- 200 NM
Types of fisheries Two types of fisheries operate in the Gambia, The artisanal fisheries existed before the creation of a fisheries management institution 1968, beginning of industrial fisheries - a British company, Atlantic Marine Products was registered The Co. was given the exclusive industrial fishing franchise for six months: the right to sell marine products in home and export markets etc.
Artisanal Fisheries Unit
The Artisanal Fisheries Little or no data on artisanal fisheries before the late 70s; a statistical system was in place in , first frame survey by Lesack and Drammeh A total of 290 canoes was found in 11 fishing sites in the ACS About 89% motorization The first motorized canoe was around 1964
Number of Canoes and %age Motorization in ACS
The artisanal fisheries contd Gambian fishermen constitute about 62% country wide but with foreign fishermen dominating the most productive ACS with over 65% With credit facilities and canoe motorization, the artisanal fisheries has moved from being subsistence to being the leading fisheries- raw fish mat. Food fish and hard currency earner. Over 90% fish exported is from the artisanal fisheries
Total landings by the artisanal fisheries
Artisanal statistical system No statistical system before 1976 A sample survey system (CAS) Twice a month and by gear type Total coverage for ACS Constraints: Human, finance and logistics Lack of trained personnel Lack of equipment
The Industrial Fisheries As mentioned already, industrial fisheries started in 1968 Since then vessels come in thru: Reciprocal Fishing Agreement, Fisheries Access Agreement and Joint Ventures Over 120 vessels were registered in 1993, 2001 only just over 50 regtd. Only 7 companies with on land facilities with 2 owning fishing vessels Gambian benefiting fully the Rec. Fish. Agree with Senegal
Industrial fisheries contd The 7 companies are low health, not operating at full capacity The policies of the Fisheries Department which accelerated the development of the artisanal fisheries sub-sector between could not transform the Gambia fisheries into industrial fisheries due to some physical, technical, economic, institutional, and social constraints facing the fisheries sector.
Industrial fisheries statistical system Before 1991, catches by vessels were reported by vessel owners or agents In 1991, an observer programme established, all vessel take onboard an observer Observers report vessel activities including catch daily by radio and at end of license period brings in daily records of catch, effort etc.
Industrial catch Before 1985, no records of catch found
Constraints Industrial fisheries is faced with a host of problems as mentioned above Total allegiance to FD- observers paid vessel owners Lack of equipment/material Lack of trained personnel Inefficient policing of waters
Resource Base YearDemersalPelagics 1971/7246, , ,000160, ,000156, , , , , , ,000
Conclusion Though relative young, the amount of pressure exerted on demersal resources should be checked Effort should be made to strengthen data collection, processing and analytical system
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