Metrics, Systems, and Technological Choices By David Rejeski Summary: Eric Zhu Critique: Zhuo Cai.


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Presentation transcript:

Metrics, Systems, and Technological Choices By David Rejeski Summary: Eric Zhu Critique: Zhuo Cai

Sustainability The sustainability of the biosphere by efficient and equitable use of planetary resources has become an important cornerstone in many international polices. Sustainable development depends on more environmentally robust industrial ecology; The restructuring of industry also depends on sustainable infrastructure for energy and other critical resources at multiple levels.

National governments play an important role in development, maintenance, and social and technological transformation of sustainable infrastructure. To support an evolving industrial ecology at a global scale, governments must: –change fundamentally their systems of national accounts –analyze and improve critical metabolic processes –explore emerging technological paradigms and their implications for sustainable development

Essay #1: The Search for New Metrics Application of traditional macroeconomic indicator for national economic performance fails to measure adequately human, social and ecological welfare.

Modifications of traditional measuring systems Should include the account for nature capital and its depreciation Also subtraction of compensation cost and environmental damage

*After modification of the measures of economic growth, next is to deal with whether resource use is at sustainable levels. Economic system dependent on nonrenewable resource inputs or continuously overdraw renewable resources is exposed to danger. We need accounting systems that allow us to track our progress toward a more sustainable economy: - shift away from nonrenewable inputs - increased recycling of waste streams - the use of renewable resource at sustainable levels * Regardless of substitution pattern (of energy / materials), resources are still consumed at levels that cannot be sustained indefinitely

Essay#2: THE METABOLISM OF THE NATION STATE Goal: Transform key resources inputs(energy & materials) into services for society Important approaches: – map the metabolic activity of these systems with aim of improving resources, environmental and economic efficiencies –exploring new options for providing fundamental services to society U.S Energy flow ( industrial ecology characteristic) –linear, one-way flows –large uncaptured waste stream –exhibits very low system efficiencies (services v.s society)

Careful analyze of the metabolic system as are traditional resource flows: –Flow of federal R&D funding into U.S. Energy system significant difference in investments in demand-side v.s supply side low funding for renewable option. Studies of metabolic process at various scales and for various resources (energy, materials, capital, labor..)

Essay 3: Technological choices The old paradigm has reached the limits of environmental responsibility, economic efficiency, and political acceptance. Search for new paradigms that have the greatest chance leading us down a sustainable path require foresight, innovation, political will, and public consent

Critique The existing metrics do not meet sustainable requirement We need to change the way of doing business Need new metrics for sustainable development

Critique The effects of the new measurement system –Take into account the natural capital and its depreciation when calculate economic growth –Change the way we used to develop products

Critique Sustainable Development –Technical –Economic –Environmental

Critique Metabolism (The energy consumption example) –Energy transfer: do Supply-side and demand- side analysis –Make more use of renewable energy: solar, wind, etc. –Engine v.s. Fuel cell

Critique Technological choices –Which one is the best?

“We do not inherit the Earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children.” David Brower