Seasonal and successional trends in streamflow and N after forest removal in small basins, eastern and northwestern US Julia Jones, Oregon State University David Post, CSIRO, Townsville, Australia Kate Lajtha, Oregon State University
Questions 1.What are streamflow responses to forest removal and regrowth across a range of sites? 2. What might be the implications for N fluxes of streamflow-forest interactions? 3. What are the special opportunities in hydrologic research for ecosystem informatics?
What are the streamflow responses to forest removal and regrowth as a function of Dry/wet summers Snowpack presence/type Forest type – deciduous broadleaf/evergreen conifer Time since most recent disturbance Andrews WS1,2 2001
Even with a treated/control pair, weak causal inferences Instrumented locations of questionable generality Out of date treatments Prediction in ungaged basins Long records Treated/control pairs Complementary information on ecological processes Can pose mechanistic hypotheses to be checked by process studies and modeling Andrews WS9, 2001 Limitations and potentials for “black-box” watershed studies
Questions – causes and consequences Causes: Vegetation physiology Physical vegetation- atmosphere interactions Snowpack Drainage Consequences: Water availability for plants Biogeochemistry Stream ecology Andrews WS 10, 1968
Time scales of interest to ecologists and hydrologists Diurnal Storm Seasonal Successional Climate change Evolutionary Andrews WS 10, 1977
Instrumented sites (red dots) used in this study– eastern and western forests Deciduous/conifer Seasonal/transient/no snowpack
Types of treatments: Intentional Vegetation manipulation Drainage manipulation Inadvertent Natural disturbance Climate change Edge effects Andrews WS 1, 1966
Analysis of streamflow change in treated/control comparisons Essence of analysis - look at change over time in ratio of treated/control flows Examine daily flows for 5-yr periods, before and after forest removal Consider both absolute and relative changes and their consequences Absolutely large changes Absolutely small, relatively large changes at key periods Consider whole set of basin pairs as ~multifactorial experiment
SiteAndrewsCoweetaHubbard Brook NaturalSevere wildfire, 1500s; some wildfire, mid-1800s Severe windthrow during 1835 hurricane Severe windthrow during 1938 hurricane HumanGrazing, burning on non-forest meadows at high elevations, ~1900 Cherokee spring/fall burning, to 1837; Cultivation, grazing, annual burning ~1900; Complete logging, 1919; Chestnut blight, 1930s-40s; Extensive logging, ; Salvage after 1938 hurricane Pre-treatment disturbance histories of sites - state of “control” basins
Basin sizes and disturbance histories
Lengths of record in experimental basin pairs Vertical lines are 100% clearcut treatments; HBR 2/3 and Fernow 7/4 had herbicide
Climates of the sites - Hubbard Brook
Climates of Hubbard Brook vs. Andrews Hubbard Brook vs. Coweeta
Effect of climate, forest type on streamflow by season - Relative changes - Hubbard Brook 2/3 Relaative change (%) in streamflow
Relative changes - Hubbard Brook vs. Andrews Relaative change (%) in streamflow
Effect of climate, forest type on streamflow by season - Absolute changes - Hubbard Brook 2/3 Absolute change (mm) in streamflow
Absolute changes - Hubbard Brook vs. Andrews Absolute change (mm) in streamflow
Effect of time since forest removal, by season Delayed August deficits Persistent spring surpluses and deficits 5-yr post-treatment periods; periods 4-5 are years after forest removal Delayed summer deficits Absolute change (mm) in streamflow
Effect of time since pre-treatment forest disturbance conifers, seasonal snow conifers, snow deciduous, seasonal snow deciduous, transient/no snow 1 to 5 yrs after15 to 25 yrs after y = 138Ln(x) r2 = 0.45 y = 142Ln(x) r2 = 0.71 Absolute change (mm) in annual streamflow
“out of controls?” The treated/control relationship in paired- basin experiments, rather than a black and white one, can be viewed as a function of continuous – and continuously changing – differences between basins in vegetation structure, composition, and climate. Time scales, scaling: Paired-basin records provide the opportunity to quantify and compare streamflow responses at multiple temporal scales, including storm events, seasons, successional periods, and decadal climate change. Regionalization: Small paired-basin experiments permit comparison (prediction?) of streamflow responses across vegetation types and treatments, climates, and basin scales. General lessons about paired-basin studies
Hydrologic interactions with basin-scale N fluxes Concentration vs. flux Nitrate vs. dissolved organic N Mechanisms: Biologically controlled (uptake, retention, immobilization) vs. Physically controlled (fast/slow flowpaths, water table variations) or Biophysical interactions – spatial patterns of labile forms, changing flowpaths Three kinds of patterns
Coweeta 18 Coweeta 36 Coweeta 18 Coweeta 36 Discharge (mm) Month (Jan-Dec) 5 0 mg/L 5 0 Nitrate concentration (Swank et al., 1997) Coweeta: Very low nitrate concentration, peaks during summer
Andrews: DON concentration peaks in fall, as hydrograph rises Vanderbilt et al., 2002 DONprecipdischarge
Nitrate concentration (Likens, 1977) Hubbard Brook: high N concentration, peaks during snowmelt 5 0 mg/L Discharge
Opportunities for eco-hydrology studies How does vegetation influence water fluxes to/from atmosphere? How does water use influence carbon, nitrogen fluxes?
Acknowledgements NSF Long-term studies NSF LTER grants to Andrews, Coweeta, Hubbard Brook USFS support of long-term monitoring at Andrews, Caspar Creek, Coweeta, Coyote Creek, Fernow, and Hubbard Brook Experimental Forests USFS support of Hydro DB Data and expertise were provided by the following USDA Forest Service personnel: C. Creel, G. Downing, R. Fredriksen, D. Henshaw, A. Levno, G. Lienkaemper, J. Moreau, S. Remillard, (Andrews); J. Lewis (Caspar); N. Gardiner, W. Swank, L. Swift (Coweeta); M.B. Adams (Fernow); and J. Campbell, C. Cogbill, J. Hornbeck, W. Martin (Hubbard Brook). We would like to thank J.J. Major and F.J. Swanson for helpful discussions. J. Hornbeck, J. Lewis, J. McDonnell, L. Reid, W. Swank for reviews.