History Education at Hong Kong PolyU 香港理工大學的歷史教育.


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Presentation transcript:

History Education at Hong Kong PolyU 香港理工大學的歷史教育

Subjects Offered Since 1998 as General Education Subjects

Chinese History History of Modern China 近現代中國史 (Not offered after 2004)

Chinese History Introduction to Chinese Civilization 中國文化導論

Chinese History History of Chinese Women in Modern China 中國近化代婦女史 (Not Offered after 2005)

Chinese History Chinese History & Chinese Thought 中國歷史與思想 (Offered after 2005 as the New China Studies GE Programme)

World History

Introduction to Western Civilization 西洋文化導論

World History History of Hong Kong 香港史

World History Modern South-east Asia 近現代東南亞 (Not offered after 2002)

World History The Making of Modern World 現代世界的形成 (Not offered after 2007)

New Subjects Offered in 2009 By the Department of Chinese Culture

New Subjects Offered in Sept 2009 By the Department of Chinese Culture Contemporary China 現代中國

New Subjects will be offered in Sept 2009 by the Department of Chinese Culture Politics and Military Affairs in Imperial China 皇朝中國的政治與軍事

Manpowers Four Full-time Academics whose Specialization in History by Sept 2009

Manpowers Chair Prof. (1); Full Prof. (1) Associate Prof. (1); Assistant Prof.(1)

Manpowers Specialization: Medieval 唐五代 (1); Pre-Modern 宋明 (2); Pre-Modern 宋明 (2); Modern 近現代 (1)

Learning & Teaching Activities Small Group Tutorials

Learning & Teaching Activities Historical & Cultural Tours to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong

Thank You by Ho Koon Wan Department of Chinese Culture Hong Kong PolyU