IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 1 — TOPIC 5 — Learning From Regional Differences Why are there more women in physics in some countries? What can we learn from the regional differences? How can we use this knowledge?
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 2 — Outline of the session — PRESENTATION of survey DISCUSSION……. SUMMARY Short break 30 min. FOLLOW-UP CONCLUSION RESOLUTION(S)
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 3 Answers to survey Jan 02 Estimates from individual team leaders U.Tengblad, P. Thörngren, K.Wiesner, compiled by K.Wiesner (preliminary)
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 4 Statistics from AIP - priv.com. Katie Stowe Undergraduate women in physics
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 5 Statistics from AIP - priv.com. KatieStowe PhDs to women in physics
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 6 Important Discussion Issues Similarities – Passion for physics! –Childrearing/Family responsibilities –Lack of job security, post post-doc positions –Scarcity and isolation of women physicists Differences – Resources –Available data on percentage on women in physics –Technical and economical situation for science –State social and family support –Quality of schools and girls’ education –Cultural expectations and public image of physicists
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 7 — RECOMMENDATIONS — Addressing the universities, physical societies Collect in a consistent way physics demographic data including gender, in each country and at each level from students to professors (Turkey) To assess policy changes and trends Take care to define level, use hard and academic age and achievement as variables Find drop-uts, find out reason for leaving physics, find remedy
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 8 — RECOMMENDATIONS — Addressing the universities, physical societies Gathered data on physicists should include: Degrees on all levels Admitted students & type of precollege education Positions held (all levels) and new recruitments Salaries Succes rate, publications and grants Teaching and administrative duties Office space and other Both men and women
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 9 — RECOMMENDATIONS — Addressing universities, governments Lessons from regional differences: Shorten the post post-doc era Ensure transparent hiring process – Countries with positions available after PhD and open evaluation system have a larger percentage women physicists (e.g. Turkey) Fellowships for returning to work – After family obligations fulfilled – UK Use academic age – For evaluation both by employers and funding agencies – UK, USA
IUPAP Int'l Conference Women in Physics '02 - Learning from regional differences - -TOPIC 5 - Pia Thörngren 10 — RECOMMENDATIONS — Addressing ourselves Open up – network! Share educational resources internationally, revise curricula, textbooks X-change programs – developing countries Students, post-doc, sabbaticals ’Web-bank’ for computers, equipment… Women speakers program (USA) List available on the web, travel support