Axial Skeleton Martini Chapter 7 Lab Activity 8 Axial Skeleton Martini Chapter 7 Portland Community College BI 231
Axial Skeleton Skull Spine Thoracic Cage Hyoid bone
Cervical Spine 7 Vertebra C1-C7 Concave Posterior
Thoracic Spine 12 Vertebra T1-T12 Convex Posterior Attach to the ribs
Lumbar Spine 5 Vertebra L1-L5 Concave Posterior
Sacral Spine 5 Fused Vertebra “Sacrum”
Coccyx 4 Fused Vertebra
Intervertebral Foraminae
Intervertebral Disk
Annulus Fibrosus (Fibrocartilage)
Nucleus Pulposus
Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7) Vertebral Foramen BODY
Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7) Bifid Spinous Process
Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7) Transverse Processes Transverse Foramen
Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7) Superior Articular Process Superior Articular Facet
Cervical Vertebrae (C3-C7) Vertebral Arch
Cervical Vertebrae C1: Atlas Superior Articular Facet
Cervical Vertebrae C2: Axis Odontoid Process (Dens)
Cervical Vertebrae C1 & C2 Joined Together
Thoracic Vertebrae Spinous Process
Thoracic Vertebrae Costal Facets on the Transverse Process (for rib attachment)
Lumbar Vertebrae BODY
Sacrum 5 Fused Vertebrae
Sacrum Sacral Promontory
Sacrum Sacral Foramina
Sacroiliac Joints
Coccyx 4 Rudimentary Vertebrae
Hyoid Bone Greater Horn Lesser Horn BODY
Sternum Manubrium Sternal Angle Body Xiphoid Process
Ribs 1-7: True Ribs
Ribs 8-10: False Ribs
Ribs 11 & 12: Floating Ribs
Ribs Attached to Thoracic Vertebrae
Costovertebral Angle
Supraorbital ridge Frontal Bone Frontal Bone Frontal Bone
Frontal Bone Frontal Sinus
Parietal Bone Parietal Bone
Parietal Bone Parietal Bone
Temporal Bone Temporal Bone
Temporal Bone Temporal Bone Temporal Bone
Temporal Bone External Acoustic Meatus Zygomatic Arch Mastoid Process Mandibular fossa Styloid Process
Temporal Bone Carotid Canal Jugular Foramen
Occipital Bone
Occipital Bone Occipital Condyles Foramen Magnum External occipital protuberance
Sphenoid Bone Lesser Wing Greater Wing Pterygoid Process Lateral Pterygoid Plate Medial Pterygoid Plate
Sphenoid Bone Sphenoidal Sinus Pterygoid Process
Sphenoid Bone Lesser Wing Greater Wing Sella Turcica
Sphenoid Bone Hypophyseal Fossa Dorsum Sella
Ethmoid Bone Crista Galli Perpendicular Plate
Ethmoid Bone Middle Nasal Conchae Perpendicular Plate
Ethmoid Bone Cristae Galli Cribriform Plate Perpendicular Plate
Cranium Floor Anterior Cranial Fossa Middle Cranial Fossa Posterior Cranial Fossa
Sagittal Suture Between the Right and Left Parietal bones Occipital Frontal Bone
Coronal Suture Between the Parietal bones and the Frontal Bone Temporal Bone Occipital Bone
Squamous Suture Between the Parietal bone and the Temporal Bone Frontal Bone Between the Parietal bone and the Temporal Bone Temporal Bone Occipital Bone
Lambdoid Suture Between the Parietal bones and the Occipital Bone Frontal Bone Between the Parietal bones and the Occipital Bone Temporal Bone Occipital Bone
Wormian (Sutural) Bones Small islands of bone that fill gaps in sutures. Present in varying amounts
Fetal Skull
Fetal Skull Superior View
Maxilla Hard Palate
Mandible Ramus Angle Body Coronoid Process Mandibular Condyle Alveolar Process Ramus Angle Mental Foramen Body
Mandible Mandibular Foramen Mylohyoid Line
Palatine Bone Vomer
Zygomatic Bone Temporal Process Zygomatic Arch
Facial Bones
Facial Bones Middle Nasal Conchae (Ethmoid) Inferior Nasal Conchae Perpendicular Plate (Ethmoid) Vomer
Sinuses Ethmoid Air Cells Frontal Sphenoidal Maxillary
The End The End