Professors: 楊吉林、張玉燕、葉玉慧、賴素珍、鄭惠芳
Medical English Professors: 楊吉林、張玉燕、葉玉慧、賴素珍、鄭惠芳 (coordinator) Textbook Third Call: English Course for Medical & Nursing Professionals, Elsevier Pte Ltd. (2003) 文鶴出版社 Supplementary readings
Course Objectives This course aims to help medical students acquire the abilities of English they need for future professional success. Basic English medial terms and vocabularies are introduced and practiced in class. Medical science readings are covered and students are required to make oral presentations based on the readings and supplemental materials.
Course Objectives In addition, students are also expected to write a short academic paper with the assigned topic. Students are divided into small groups; each group consists of approximately 10 students.
Grading Criteria Attendance and Participation 20% Mid-term Exam 30% Oral Reports 30% Term Paper 20%
Notes Classroom LL1 for Weeks 1, 10 and 11 (all students together) PBL classrooms for other weeks Model oral report Based on the reading of Unit 3 (pp.31-32), is given by the professor in Week 3
Notes Oral reports Each student has to give oral reports twice during this semester--during Weeks 4-8 and Weeks Every class session during these weeks, two students give oral reports – 20 minutes for each reporter and minutes for discussion (approximately 80 minutes in total)
Notes Oral reports Oral Report (1) The main focus of the first oral reports is the readings of Units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 and the supplementary readings. Each reporter is supposed to illustrate the meanings of words/phrases, the main idea of the assigned reading, and some issues arising from the reading. Non-reporters have to take turns giving some feedback by raising 2 or 3 questions for further discussion. In response to the questions, each reporter should try to make the connection with the key points of his/her report.
Notes Oral reports Oral Report (2) Topics for the second oral reports are related to the themes of Units 8~12. The second oral report is composed of a summary of the reading, an introduction to the term paper with a short outline or abstract of the three cited references.
Notes Mid-term Exam Units 1 to 7 (80%) and the supplementary readings ( 20%). Tentative structure: Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar and Sentence structures, and Reading Comprehension
Notes Term Paper The term paper is of individual work; yet cooperative efforts in brainstorming are highly recommended. Topics for the term paper are closely relevant to what covered in the second oral reports (i.e. the themes of Units 8~12).
Notes Term Paper The length of the term paper is 4-5 pages and typeset in 1.5 spaces, in 12-point Times New Roman, with at least 3 in-text citations and 3 entries listed in works cited. The criteria for grading term papers focus primarily on well-organized structure, coherent argument, convincing supporting details, valid conclusion and effective English expressions.
Weekly Schedule WeekDate Planned Schedule 19/15 Introduction to the course (grouping) 【 Classroom: LL1 】 29/22 Moon Festival (Holiday) 39/29 Guidelines for oral presentation skills and term papers Introduction to research paper, bibliography, documentation and “plagiarism” (1) 410/6 Unit 3 Emergency Services Reading: Extreme Weather Causes Medical Chaos in Chicago (pp.31-32) Preparation for the first oral reports 5 10/1 3 Unit 1 Art and Medicine Reading (1): Endure! How Paul Klee’s Illness Influenced His Art (pp.2-4) Reading (2): Artists Really Do Have Different Brains (pp.7-8) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: Artists Look Different 6 10/2 0 Unit 2 Cloning and the Genome Project Reading (1): Human Cloning and the Challenge of Regulation (pp.16-18) Reading (2): Twins: Nature’s Clone (pp.22-23) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: Scientists Create Synthetic Organism
Weekly Schedule WeekDate Planned Schedule 710/27 Unit 4 Matters of the Mind Reading (1): A Head Injury Leads to a Chang in Character (pp.42-44) Reading (2): A Different Way of Thinking (pp.51-52) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: Evaluation of Traumatic Brain Injury Cases: The Plaintiff's Perspective * Discussion of students’ second oral reports begins this week 811/3 Unit 5 Global Diseases Reading (1): Is Smallpox History? (pp.63-64) Unit 7 Longevity Reading (1): The Spanish Live Long and Healthy Lives (pp.92-93) Reading (2): Longevity: The Ultimate Gender Gap (p.99) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: Southeast Asia the Culprit in Flu Epidemics
Weekly Schedule WeekDate Planned Schedule 9 11/1 0 Unit 6 Legal Issues Reading (1): New Law Protects Nurses Who ‘Blow the Whistle’ (pp.81-83) Reading (2): Complaints: Listening, Acting, Improving (pp.85-86) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: WHO Attacks Tobacco Firms 10 11/1 7 Mid-term Exam 【 Classroom: LL1 】 11 11/2 4 Watching a movie and discussion 【 Classroom: LL1 】 1212/1 Introduction to research paper, bibliography, documentation and “plagiarism” (2) Preparation for the second oral reports 1312/8 Unit 8 Depression and Stress Reading (1): The Dangers of Overwork (pp ) Reading (2): Post-Christmas Traumatic Syndrome (pp ) 14 12/1 5 Unit 9 Ethical Dilemma Reading (1): Ethical Dilemma. Dealing with Racist Patients (p.124) Reading (2): Boy Refuses Cancer Treatment in Favor of Prayer (p.130)
Weekly Schedule WeekDate Planned Schedule 9 11/1 0 Unit 6 Legal Issues Reading (1): New Law Protects Nurses Who ‘Blow the Whistle’ (pp.81-83) Reading (2): Complaints: Listening, Acting, Improving (pp.85-86) Reading (3): Supplementary reading: WHO Attacks Tobacco Firms 10 11/1 7 Mid-term Exam 【 Classroom: LL1 】 11 11/2 4 Watching a movie and discussion 【 Classroom: LL1 】 1212/1 Introduction to research paper, bibliography, documentation and “plagiarism” (2) Preparation for the second oral reports 1312/8 Unit 8 Depression and Stress Reading (1): The Dangers of Overwork (pp ) Reading (2): Post-Christmas Traumatic Syndrome (pp ) 14 12/1 5 Unit 9 Ethical Dilemma Reading (1): Ethical Dilemma. Dealing with Racist Patients (p.124) Reading (2): Boy Refuses Cancer Treatment in Favor of Prayer (p.130)
Weekly Schedule WeekDate Planned Schedule 1512/22 Unit 10 Patients and Doctors Reading (1): D.J. Whitehouse: Consultant Physician (pp ) Reading (2): The Emperor Has No Clothes On (pp ) 1612/29 Unit 11 Disability, Private/Public Health Service Reading (1): Don’t Hang Up: Use of the Telephone by People with Communication Difficulties (pp ) Reading (2): Hospital Food (pp ) 171/5 Unit 12 Lifestyle, Health and Illness Reading (1): Obesity – About the Size of It (pp ) Reading (2): Why Are Women More Affected by Drink than Men? (pp ) 181/12 Course Review / Term Paper Due: Jan. 10 (Monday)
Groups 高階醫學英文 -A 組 –Group 1 Group 1Cheang B 宮錦緯 B 姜博騰 B 林亭君 B 郭君揚 B 林欽揚 B 葉奎麟 B 黃崧銘 B 游天維 B 黃羿倩 B 劉照全 B 張文睿
Groups 高階醫學英文 -A 組 –Group 2 Group 2Chang B 吳大衛 B 劉仲淇 B 徐智威 B 王翔生 B 黃浩瑋 B 裘澤宇 B 顏嘉賢 B 陳航民 B 王致凱 B 黃鈺筌 B 徐乙玉
Group 3Yap B 黃余裔 B 蘇雅婷 B 王大慶 B 鄭琮翰 B 何秉祺 B 劉彥麟 B 張心怡 B 石安甄 B 蘇世桓 B 張君睿 B 陳妤柔 Groups 高階醫學英文 -A 組 –Group 3
Groups 高階醫學英文 -A 組 –Group 4 Group 4Yang B 陸逸民 B 王碩賢 B 王柏皙 B 張簡千郁 B 林琮凱 B 陳佳郡 B 王佑鑫 B 羅元駿 B 陳寧君 B 張家綺
Group 5Lai B 謝旻翰 B 于志業 B 周泰君 B 戴治偉 B 吳晟瑋 B 林祺崴 B 周欣慧 B 蔡牧堯 B 楊曜任 B 簡銘陞 Groups 高階醫學英文 -A 組 –Group 5
Group 1Cheang B 陳勁溪 B 楊朝鈞 B 許博融 B 張舒婷 B 王美琳 B 陳和謙 B 傅 筠 B 鄭喻夫 B 謝侑叡 B 吳政佳 B 劉馥萍 Groups 高階醫學英文 -B 組 –Group 1
Groups 高階醫學英文 -B 組 –Group 2 Group 2Chang B 黃崇瑋 B 曾昱翔 B 洪尚安 B 莊羽豊 B 賴佳妤 B 林珈辰 B 杜立慈 B 賴 殷 B 許 傑 B 曾博鴻 B 李桎陞
Groups 高階醫學英文 -B 組 –Group 3 Group 3Yap B 孟煜翔 B 陳記安 B 蔡明蓉 B 劉子綸 B 王健合 B 謝志煌 B 王郁婷 B 徐振鴻 B 李揚 B 李承諭
Group 4Yang B 邱靖晴 B 林哲平 B 梁祺昂 B 鄭 荃 B 邱子桓 B 林岫萱 B 蔡嘉祐 B 孫惠鈺 B 林純瑀 B 李修維 Groups 高階醫學英文 -B 組 –Group 4
Group 5Lai B 陳韋婷 B 蔡仁傑 B 吳尚軒 B 楊明驥 B 余承嚴 B 陳 瑢 B 蔡翰宇 B 楊政群 B 林博源 B 許芷瑜 Groups 高階醫學英文 -B 組 –Group 5
Good Luck! “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Hamlet (Act II, Sc. II).