MAGPOP-related Activity in Groningen Reynier Peletier MAGPOP Network Midterm Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

MAGPOP-related Activity in Groningen Reynier Peletier MAGPOP Network Midterm Meeting

People involved: - Katia Ganda, Gert Sikkema (PhD students) - Michael Pohlen, Isabel Pérez, Lodovico Coccato (Postdocs) - Reynier Peletier (staff) MAGPOP-related work: 1 MAGPOP ITP – The Star Formation History of Dwarf Galaxies (with all MAGPOP nodes, especially Madrid and Nottingham) 2 MILES – a new high resolution stellar library in the optical + composite stellar poulation models (with Madrid (IAC) and Nottingham) 3 2 stellar libraries in the Near-Infrared H + K bands (with Madrid) 4 SAURON – Stellar Populations of elliptical and spiral galaxies using Wide Field Integral Field Spectroscopy 5 Stellar populations in shell galaxies (from HST-ACS images) (with Madrid (IAC))

The MAGPOP International Time Project

Dwarf Galaxies – Classification Quiescent and Star forming Dwarfs

Proposed Science 1. For all galaxies: SED Analysis. Spectra from A will be analysed to derive things like the star formation histories (this is what the main MAGPOP line), and chemical evolution, and study them as a function of the environment. Kauffmann et al. 2003: dwarf galaxies are younger??

Proposed Science: 2. For star forming dwarfs: properties of the gas, understanding triggering of star formation, evolution of gas and dust. 3. For quiescent dwarfs: structural properties, scaling relations, internal kinematics, presence of interstellar matter. 4. Relation between star forming and quiescent dwarfs. The larger picture. How do dwarf galaxies form. What is their role in galaxy formation.

The ITP observations: 12 nights in semester 05B and 06A on each of the WHT, INT, TNG and NOT Observations between Dec 2005 and May nights on all 4 telescopes in semester 07A (Spring 2007) to compensate for bad weather (to come). WHT: 4.2m (1987) General Purpose Alt-Az telescope UK/NL/E INT: 2.5m (1966) Old equatorial 2.5m telescope now only used for imaging UK/NL/E TNG: 3.6m (1990s) Alt-Az Italian, Copy of ESO NTT General Purpose NOT: 2.5m (1990s) Alt-Az N/DK/S/FIN Small general purpose telescope

The Sample here: - Star forming dwarfs: -18 < M B < Quiescent dwarfs: -18 < M B < SAMPLES: 1. A Virgo Cluster Sample - From VCC (Binggeli et al. 1985) catalogue - Observed by GALEX (not necessariy detected) 2. A Field Sample - From SDSS DR4 in fields observed by GALEX - Low galaxy density < z < (5 < d < 25 Mpc) - separating quiescent from star forming galaxies using u-g + visual inspection

MAGPOP ITP Observers: - Madrid (Gorgas, Cardiel, Pedraz, Gil de Paz, Toloba) - IAC (Vazdekis, Carretero, Balcells, Cervantes, Balcells) - Marseille (Boselli, Gavazzi) - Nottingham (Michielsen, Whiley) - Groningen (Peletier, Perez, Pohlen, Coccato, Ganda, Yildiz, Falcon-Barroso) Others involved in the MAGPOP ITP: all other MAGPOP members (node coordinators were on the proposal). Active involvement from Bressan, Aragon-Salamanca, Charlot, Kauffmann.

Observational Campaigns: 1. Star Forming Dwarfs - drift scan spectra (R=700) obtained on the TNG using Dolores for 55 objects. Spectra affected by bad detector. Data reduced (Coccato, Gavazzi). Possibly some galaxies will have to be reobserved. - Optical imaging in R and Hα obtained for this sample using the INT WFC Data reduction ongoing (Pérez). - Near-infrared imaging in H and K. About 20 galaxies observed using NICS on TNG and LIRIS at WHT. Data reduction to be started. 2. Quiescent Dwarfs - Low resolution spectra (R=700) obtained for 25 galaxies, reduced and analyzed (see talk Dolf Michielsen). 3 nights of ALFOSC spectroscopy will follow in semester 07A. - High resolution spectroscopy (R=3000). 3 objects studied with long-slit (Toloba, reduced). WYFFOS observations obtained for 30 faintest quiescent dwarfs (Pedraz, pending). 3N of ISIS/WHT and 3N of IDS/INT observations available in semester 07A. - Near-infrared imaging: 3N available (07A) on TNG/NICS for H and K-band imaging

MAGPOP-ITP work in Groningen 1. General (coordination, preparation of tools (e.g. Data-server)) 2. Observations (7 Groningen observers) 3. H  imaging of Virgo and field star forming galaxies (Pérez) 4. Drift-scan spectroscopy of star forming galaxies (Coccato) 5. Near-infrared imaging of star forming and quiescent dwarfs (Ganda, Pohlen, Peletier)

INT H  imaging (Pérez et al.)

Telescope: INT La Palma Spectrograph: IDS Resolution: 2.3 Å FWHM Spectral Range: A Sampling: 0.9 Å /pix Observations: July Jan 2002, 25 nights Observed: 985 stars with a large range in Temperature, Gravity and Metallicity P. S á nchez-Bl ázquez (Central Lancashire) A. Vazdekis (IAC), R.F. Peletier (Groningen) F.J. Gorgas, A.J. Cenarro, N. Cardiel, E. Toloba (Madrid) J. Jiménez-Vicente (Granada) S. Selam (Ankara); J. Falcón-Barroso (ESA-Estec) MILES – a Medium Resolution INT Stellar Library

Atmospheric parameters coverage of different libraries compared with the parameter coverage of MILES

Spectra sample of different spectral types

The MILES stars are well flux-calibrated Comparison of B-V colour measured on the MILES spectra with the Lausanne photometric database (Mermilliod).

MILES Papers: 1. The MILES Stellar Library (Sanchez-Blazquez et al. 2006, MNRAS (August). 2. The stellar parameters of MILES (Cenarro et al. 2006), MNRAS, accepted, September 2006, on astro-ph. 3. Stellar population models with MILES (Vazdekis et al. 2006), MNRAS, to be submitted early 2007 Availability of MILES to the community through a dedicated website: 1. SSP Models: preliminary version on July 3 2. Representative sample of 50 stars

A Near-Infrared Stellar Library for Stellar Population Synthesis E. Marmol, N. Cardiel, F.J. Gorgas, E. Toloba (UC Madrid) R.F. Peletier, K. Ganda (Groningen) V. Ivanov (ESO, Chile) M. Mouhcine (Nottingham, Liverpool) A. Vazdekis (IAC) Aim: Generate a flux-calibrated stellar library in the H and K band ( micron) Summary: We take the high-resolution stellar library of Ivanov et al. (2004) and obtain low-resolution spectra to flux-calibrate these. We then make SSP models using the codes of Vazdekis and Mouhcine and Lancon.

Status Dec 06: - 106/210 stars observed with UKIRT and reduced - 60/210 stars observed with LIRIS/WHT - 44/210 stars to be done; 1 night of LIRIS allocated in 07A SSP model calculation to be started

Stellar Population Work using SAURON Studies: - 18 bright Sb-Sd galaxies. Kinematics published in Ganda et al. (2006), stellar population analysis in Ganda et al. (2007) - Stellar population analysis of 24 early-type spirals using SAURON (Peletier et al. 2006, to be submitted)