Adding Pronoun Constraints to a Grammar: Verbs and Pronouns Present tense verbs occur in two forms: –singular: ‘eats’ –plural: ‘eat’ –only exception is ‘be’, which has a third form, ‘I am’ Pronouns differ in person, number, and case: singular plural nominative accusativenominative accusative 1st personI mewe us 2nd personyou youyou you 3rd personhe, she, it him, her, itthey them
Constraints to be Captured 3rd person singular pronouns in subject position occur with singular verb forms –He eats. *He eat. other pronouns in subject position occur with plural verb forms –I eat. *I eats. They eat. *They eats. –ignore special case of ‘be’ –J&M treats ‘do’ as aux, so must include number agreement for aux nominative pronouns occur in subject position –I eat. *Me eat. accusative pronouns occur in object position and in PPs –Fred met him. *Fred met he. –Fred gave a letter to him. *Fred gave a letter to he.
Split NP NP Pronoun | … becomes NP-nom-sing Pron-nom-sing | … Pron-nom-sing he | she | it NP-nom-pl Pron-nom-pl | … Pron-nom-pl I | you | we | they NP-acc Pron-acc | … Pron-acc me | you | him | her | it | us | them (ignore number agreement for nouns)
Split VP VP Verb | Verb NP | Verb NP PP | Verb PP | Verb S | Verb to VP | VP and VP becomes VP-sing Verb-sing | Verb-sing NP-acc | Verb-sing NP-acc PP | Verb-sing PP | Verb-sing S | Verb-sing to VP | VP-sing and VP-sing VP-pl Verb-pl | Verb-pl NP-acc | Verb-pl NP-acc PP | Verb-pl PP | Verb-pl S | Verb-pl to VP | VP-pl and VP-pl VP VP-sing | VP-pl
Require Accusative in other Object Positions PP Preposition NP-acc GerundVP GerundV | GerundV NP-acc | GerundV PP | GerundV NP-acc PP
Enforce Number Agreement S NP VP | Aux NP VP | Wh-NP Aux NP VP |... becomes S NP-nom-sing VP-sing | NP-nom-pl VP-pl | Aux-sing NP-nom-sing VP | Aux-pl NP-nom-pl VP | Wh-NP Aux-sing NP-sing VP | Wh-NP Aux-pl NP-pl VP |...