Family Systems Theory & Concepts
Some Major Family Therapy Approaches b b ———— - Behavioral b b Virginia Satir - Communication b b Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy - Contextual b b Salvador Minuchin - Structural b b Jay Haley - Strategic b b David & Jill Scharff - Object Relations b b Murray Bowen - Multigenerational
Past or Present? An Important Distinction in FT Approaches b Two basic approaches: Ahistorical - Communication, Strategic, Structural, BehavioralAhistorical - Communication, Strategic, Structural, Behavioral Historical - Object Relations, Multigenerational (Bowenian)Historical - Object Relations, Multigenerational (Bowenian)
Behavioral Approach
Communications Approach b Focuses upon “the redundant patterns of communication and interaction within and between systems.” (Becvar & Becvar, Family Therapy, 211) b Clear, congruent messages are necessary for healthy family relationships. b Incongruent communication styles/stances include:. b Incongruent communication styles/stances include: placating, blaming, super-reasonable, & irrelevant or distracting.
Contextual Family Therapy
Structural Family Therapy
Strategic or Problem-Solving Family Therapy
Object Relations family Therapy
Bowenian Family Theory Concepts
Bowenian Theory