CS 543 – Data Warehousing Course Outline. CS 543 - Data Warehousing (Sp 2006-2007) - Asim LUMS2 Data Warehousing? What is data warehousing? 


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Presentation transcript:

CS 543 – Data Warehousing Course Outline

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS2 Data Warehousing? What is data warehousing?  A paradigm specifically designed for strategic business information or decision making  In essence, data warehousing is a data-driven decision- support system What is a data warehouse?  It is an informational environment with the following characteristics: provides an integrated and total view of the enterprise (data), current and historical, and makes it available easily for decision support decision support transactions do not impact operational systems maintains a consistent view of enterprise provides flexible and interactive source of strategic information

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS3 Why Study DW? New technologies (multidimensional modeling, business intelligence, OLAP, querying models, etc) Research potential (data mining, business intelligence, ETL algorithms, multidimensional data analysis, query optimizations, etc) Industry demand High market value of DW experts Fulfill degree requirements Easy course, want to sleep through it :)

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS4 Description This course will  cover the concepts and techniques in the design and construction of high-performance data warehouses  discuss business, software, hardware, and design factors influencing successful implementations of data warehouses  focus on both dimensional and relational data modeling  Distinguish between DSS (Decision Support System) and OLTP  Introduce OLAP and ETL algorithms and systems  Provide hands-on experience with data warehousing tools

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS5 Goals Introduction to the concepts and techniques in data warehousing Design and construction of high performing data warehouses Hands-on experience with a commercial data warehousing tool (Teradata) Motivation for research in large scale data analysis and business intelligence

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS6 Before Taking This Course… You should be comfortable with… Basics of databases  CS 341 is a prerequisite  Fundamentals of RDMS; EER modeling; concept of normalization; querying; design and development exposure Basics of programming and algorithms  CS 213 is a prerequisite  Understanding, evaluating, and implementing algorithms

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS7 After Taking this Course… You should be able to … Design and construct data warehouses Understand the concepts and techniques in data warehousing Use a data warehouse to extract strategic information Pursue further studies and research in data warehousing, large data analysis, business intelligence, and data mining Work with a commercial data warehousing tool

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS8 Grading Points distribution Labs/Assignments20% Quizzes15% Midterm exam30% Final exam (comprehensive)35%

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS9 Policies (1) Quizzes  Quizzes may or may not be announced. If a quiz is announced it will be done 1 to 2 days in advance Sharing  No copying is allowed for labs/assignments. Discussions are encouraged; however, you must submit your own work  Violators can face mark reduction and/or reported to Disciplinary Committee for action Plagiarism  Do NOT pass someone else’s work as yours! Write in your words and cite the reference. This applies to code as well.  Violators can face mark reduction and/or reported to Disciplinary Committee for action

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS10 Policies (2) Submission policy  Submissions are due at the day and time specified  Late penalties: 1 day = 10%; 2 day late = 20%; not accepted after 2 days  An extension will be granted only if there is a need and when requested several days in advance. Rechecking policy  For quizzes and labs/assignments: No recheck request will be entertained after 2 days of return  For exams: No recheck request will be entertained after you pick up your exam (requests should be made at the time of collection)

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS11 Summarized Course Contents DW fundamentals, need for a DW, decision support vs. transaction processing, evolution of a DW Business requirements as the driving force for the DW, matching information to classes of users Dimensional modeling Architecture and Infrastructure, data extraction, transformation and loading, data quality Selected de-normalizations, horizontal and vertical partitioning, materialized views Physical design Data mart design, web data warehousing Current topics in data warehousing

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS12 Course Material Primary text  P. Ponniah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley & Sons, Supplementary text  C. Imhoff et al., Mastering Data Warehouse Design: Relational and Dimensional Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, Other resources  Lecture slides  Handouts  Web resources  Books in library

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS13 Course Web Site For annuncements, lecture slides, handouts, labs, assignments, quiz solutions, and web resources: The resource page has links to information available on the Web. It is basically a meta-list for finding further information.

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS14 Other Stuff How to contact me?  Office hours: to MW (office: 429)   By appointment Philosophy  Knowledge cannot be taught; it is learned.  Be excited. That is the best way to learn. I cannot teach everything in class. Develop an inquisitive mind, ask questions, and go beyond what is required.  I don’t believe in strict grading. But… there has to be a way of rewarding performance.

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS15 Pakistani Students… “It was good to see that the students were quite good at abstract discussions and given my teaching experience at foreign universities, I would rate the batch I taught as competitive. “My advice to Pakistani students is that they need to become aggressive learners and realise that a university education assumes that the student is mature enough to take control of his or her destiny.” - Dr. Raja Muhammad Atif Azad, Lemerick, Ireland Appeared in Dawn:

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS16 Reference Books in LUMS Library (1) C. Imhoff et al., Mastering the data warehouse: relational and dimensional techniques, Wiley, W. Inmon, Building the data warehouse, Wiley, R. Kimball, The data warehouse toolkit: the complete guteide to dimensional modeling, Wiley, R. Kimball, The data warehouse ETL toolkit: practical techniques for extracting, cleaning, conforming, and delivering data, Wiley, 2004.

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS17 Reference Books in LUMS Library (2) Building, using, and managing the data warehouse, Barquin, Ramon C., ed.;Edelstein, Herbert A., ed., B932, Data warehousing and business intelligence for e-commerce, Simon, Alan R.;Shaffer, Steven L., S594D, Data warehousing for e-business, Inmon, W. H.; Terdeman, R. H.; Norris-Montanari, Joyce; Meers, Dan, D232, Data warehousing in the real world; a practical guide for building decision support systems, Anahory, Sam; Murray, Dennis, A532D, Data warehousing; concepts, techniques, products and applications, Prabhu, C.S.R., P895D, Data warehousing; strategies, technologies, and techniques, Mattison, Rob, M444D, Introduction to business intelligence and data warehousing, IBM, Prentice-Hall of India, I

CS Data Warehousing (Sp ) - Asim LUMS18 Reference Books in LUMS Library (3) Data warehousing; the ultimate guide to building corporate business intelligence, Educations B. V., SCN., ed., D232, Decision support in the data warehouse, Gray, Paul;Watson, Hugh J., G778D, Intelligent data warehousing; from data preparation to data mining, Chen, Zhengxin, C518I, The data webhouse toolkit; building the web-enabled data warehouse, Kimball, Ralph; Merz, Richard, K495D, Oracle8i data warehousing plan, Corey, Michael... [et al.], O631, Data warehousing with Oracle; an administrator's handbook, Yazdani, Sima;Wong, Shirley S., S588D, 1998.