Creating a Sound Foundation for Secondary Pre- Service Teachers: Supporting the Teaching of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. James Nagle (Education) Becky Wigglesworth (Education) Project CREATE Conference, December 2008
Intention of the Project 1.Re-design course syllabi, activities, readings and products in two courses in the SMC Secondary Education Program to include planning, instruction and assessment practices for culturally and linguistically diverse students 2.Coordinate middle level classroom placements at Hunt Middle School so that interns are prepared to work with and assist culturally and linguistically diverse students
Rationale for the Project 1. ELLs are the most rapidly growing subgroup in K-12 schools 60% increase since 1997 in VT 161% increase since 1979 nationally (8.5% to 18.7%) 2. Only 17% of teacher preparation programs provide training to teach ELLs (one in VT) 3. ELLs perform approximately 15-25% below students overall in NECAPs 4. ELLs present a special challenge for teachers: the need to teach both content and Academic English (Wong-Fillmore & Snow, 2005)
Project CREATE Goals Collaborate: Form partnerships between SMC departments and with local schools Reform: Examine and improve ELL instruction and teacher preparation Innovate: Develop innovative SMC student placements to support local initiatives in ELL instruction.
Collaborate Partnership between two instructors in the education department working with an ESL middle school teacher to: Reform two courses in the secondary education program Provide integrated intern placements Improve ELL instruction in middle school content and ESL classrooms
Reform Syllabi for Secondary Education & Literacy in Secondary Schools Introduction of WIDA Standards for English Language Proficiency Integration of WIDA Standards into Unit and Lesson Plans Use Rothenberg & Fisher (2007). Teaching English language learners: A Differentiated Approach. Re-Designed portfolio assessments Entry I Analysis of the Learning Environment Entry II Literacy Case Study
Innovate Field Placements 1.Change intern program in courses from following one teacher to following ELLs 2.Assist ELLs in content and ESL classrooms Stephanie’s Schedule: Module 1ESL Beginner Language Arts Module 2Science 7/8 Module 3 ESL Math Module 4 Science 7/8
Accomplishments and Challenges Synergy of coursework and field experience Need better coordination and transparency of data to students so they can better address needs of ELLs Integration of ELL instruction in content unit and lesson plans Still at basic level but present New text to focus on academic language – Zwiers, (2008) Building Academic Language: Essential Practices for Content Classrooms, Grades 5-12
New learning, new questions, new ideas… “After observing these two ESL classrooms for the last two months at Hunt Middle School, I can honestly say that I think the teachers working in this field are some of the hardest working people in the world. These teachers have to learn multiple cultures and backgrounds in order to effectively teach their students…. But most of all I have learned that as a teacher you must put your students above everything else. This is not just a 9- 5 job; it’s a job that is every minute of every day.”
New learning, new questions, new ideas… “I think group work is really effective. The English teacher strategically integrates ELL students with students that will help them understand directions and assignments. This allows for ELL students to use their language authentically, as they must communicate with their peers to complete an assignment.”
New learning, new questions, new ideas… “As a future teacher I think it would be very interesting to work at Hunt Middle School…. I think that working with ESL students is a very big challenge but it is also a great opportunity for me. I am glad that I am able to work with these students now under the guidance of a teacher that has been working with ESL students for a long time.”
Next Steps Continue the Hunt SMC placement and work toward more participation of interns Expand the placement program to Winooski Middle School and Edmunds Middle School Develop an Academic Language strand in both courses Explore the creation of an advance course in ELL instruction for the Secondary Program