A Metabolomic Approach to the Identification of Cancer Biomarkers Clive Baveghems Bioanalytical Chemistry Spring 2011
Outline What is Metabolomics? Metabolomic screening for the identification of cancer biomarkers Metabolomic screening for the identification of prostate cancer biomarkers
Introduction to Metabolomics Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 2
Yearly increase in Metabolomics publications Note: 2010 total ~ 750 Ong, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2010; 29(3):270
Factors influencing the Metabolome Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 2
Outline What is Metabolomics?√ Metabolomic screening for the identification of cancer biomarkers Metabolomic screening for the identification of prostate cancer biomarkers
Biomarker Identification Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 4
Cancer biomarkers identified so far Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 5
Key Metabolites implicated so far Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 6
Outline What is Metabolomics?√ Metabolomic screening for the identification of cancer biomarkers√ Metabolomic screening for the identification of prostate cancer biomarkers
Prostate Cancer From 2003-2007 median age for diagnosis was 67 The age-adjusted incidence rate was 156.9/100, 000 men per year The median age at death was 80 The age-adjusted death rate was 24.7/100, 000 men per year http://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/prost.html
Results from LC and GC-MS Chinnaiyan, Nature 2009; 457(12): 911
Sarcosine identified as a biomarker for prostate cancer Chinnaiyan, Nature 2009; 457(12): 913
Is sarcosine a biomarker for prostate cancer? GC-MS data Jung, Journal of Urology 2011; 185: 708
Summary Metabolomics has emerged as a fast and efficient method for the identification of a small set of candidate biomarkers from a large eclectic data set LC/MS, GC/MS, and NMR are important metabolomic technologies Future studies will further explain sarcosine’s role in Prostate Cancer
References Metabolomics and Surgical Oncology: Potential Role for Small Molecule Biomarkers Sawyer, J. Surg. Oncol. 2010; 21831: 1-9 Metabolomic profiles delineate potential role for sarcosine in prostate cancer progression Chinnaiyan, Nature 2009; 457(12): 910-915 Sarcosine in Prostate Cancer Tissue is Not a Differential Metabolite for Prostate Cancer Progressiveness and Biochemical Progression Jung, Journal of Urology 2011; 185: 706-711 Experiment-originated variations, and multi-peak and muti-origination phenomena in derivatization-based GC-MS metabolomics Ong, Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2010; 29(3):269-280