Automation and Engineering Centre Stablished on 110 ha Height above sea level about 700 m
18 researchers (9 PhD, 6 M.S.) 43 employees (2 M.S.) Organizational Structure (reduced)
Studies and researches: performance of agricultural machinery; postharvesters of vegetables and fruits; biofuels; agroenergy; health and safety in a agriculture; environmental management; Innovation: development of prototypes; Safety regulations: technical support to Labour Ministry Standardisation: co-operation with ABNT in two committees: agricultural tractors; textile and clothing; Certification: we are searching with OECD and ENTAM Main Activities of CEA/IAC
Ensaio Oficial nº Tractor Allis Chalmers modelo B, 1947 (Only field test) Ensaio Oficial nº 318 – Trator Porsche, 1948 Historical about machines test Test at the pulley shaft Drawbar test
Schenck 400 kW PTO OR ENGINE TEST (actually)
Loading car: - mass 11,000 kg - hydraulic brake Hennan & Froud DPX3 - 4 wheel drive + gearbox, driving the Heenan&Froude brake - radiator and fan, to cool water (2 x 500 l tanks on the roof) TRACTOR TEST (actually)
Concrete track ( surface with problems ): - length 1000 m, width 5 m (10 m in the bends) - coefficient of friction 0,9
Concret track
Loading car: optical sensors (100 signals/rev) to measure driving wheels revolutions
Loading car: 5th wheel
Hydraulic lift test: - load cell 5 Mg - analogic manometre 200 bar Note: This system will be change to add the measurement of hydraulic power!
Weighing and centre of gravity measuring device
Noise measurement: Robotron , with 94dB/1000 Hz calibrator This equipment will be change by a B&K.
Sugar combine - field test
Sowing-fertlizer machine bench test
PTO Drive shaft statical torsional test
Bench for dynamic torsional tests of PTO drive shafts (u nder construccion)
Testing of protective structures –static test (in design for search funding)
Thanks! Centro de Engenharia e Automação (CEA/IAC) Rod. D. Gabriel P. B. Couto km 65 CEP Jundiaí – SP - Brasil Fev/2008