Perception and Performance Technical Group Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
About PPTG Chairperson – Harvey Smallman (Pacific Science & Engineering Group) 439 members (mix of industry and academia) as at Dec 31, 2008 PPTG is sponsored by Cambridge Research Systems Design and manufacture equipment for vision scientists. Their big product is the Visual Stimulus Generator (VSG), which have been used in many experiments.
About PPTG (cont) PPTG maintains links with industry (e.g. having sponsors) Members/research from different sectors – Academia – Industry: Pacific Sci. & Eng. Gp, Aptima Inc., Raytheon, Alion Sci. & Tech. etc. – Government/military: Air Force Research Lab, Wright Patterson & Brooks Air Force Base, Defence R&D Canada, Naval Research Lab etc.
Overview of the Perception and Performance Technical Group (PPTG) Purpose To promote exchange of information about perception and its relation to human performance. Scope Encompasses all sensory/perceptual modalities, encourages multi-modal approach.
Overview of PPTG (cont) Areas of concern Nature & content of sensory information. Measurement of sensory information. Effects of context on perception of sensory information. Physics and psychophysics of information displays. Perceptual and cognitive representation and interpretation of displayed information. Assessment of workload with tasks having a large perceptual component. Actions and behaviors resulting from information presented to various sensory systems. Input/Stimulus Processing Output/Response
Examples of PPTG research Input/Stimulus Processing Output/Response Basic ResearchApplied Research -An Evaluation of Perceptual Depth to Enhance Change Detection (Mancero & Wong) - Perceptual Cues and Imagined Viewpoints Modulate Visual Search in Air Traffic Control Displays (Palmer, Brown, Bates, Kellman & Clausner) - Detecting Mental Workload Fluctuation During Learning a Novel Task by Thermography (Kang & Babski- Reeves) - Expertise Differences in Attentional Strategies Related to Pilot Decision Making (Schriver, Morrow, Wickens & Tolleur) - Head-mounted displays and multisensory integration: Replications and challenges (Tear, Harrison, Thompson & Sanderson) -Analyzing Pedestrian Traffic Behavior Using Video Footage, Zone of Comfort and Situation Awareness (Lee, Strawderman & Usher)
PPTG Membership PPTG sponsors $500 awards for the two best student submissions to the program US$5/year Access to the list server Receive PPTG’s newsletter INSIGHT - Information on meetings, socials - Publicize research amongst PPTG members - Members’ experiences in industry, academia etc. - Research directions (e.g. measurement of workload) - Internship, job opportunities