Muon Detector R&D Vishnu V. Zutshi NIU/NICADD
RPC based
R&D program
Status/Plans Large area RPC’s have been produced in collaboration with industry. Careful studies of rate capability and instability issues underway. Interest in a hadron test beam.
Scintillator based (PMT) Colo. State, UC Davis, Fermilab, Northern Illinois Univ., Univ. of Notre Dame, Wayne State Univ., Univ. of Texas Austin
Recent Activities Study of strip-fiber gluing options WLS-Clear fiber splicing studies (avg. transmission over 8 fibers ~ 90%) PMT characterization is underway Prototype digitizer/readout under development NIU UND
Plans First small plane by March 2005 Move to Fermilab test beam when 3-4 planes have been assembled and tested (estimate ~ 2006). Plane sizes being contemplated are 1.25 m x 2.5m or 2.5 m x 2.5 m Continue with simulation and analysis Internationalize the R&D effort Develop a cost estimate
Scintillator based (SiPM)
Test beam prototype “Fine” section (8 layers) 2cm thick steel “Coarse” section (8 layers) 10cm thick steel 5mm thick, 5cm wide strips Tyvek/VM2000 wrapping Alternating x-y orientation Si-PM photo detection Common readout with HCal Will serve the dual purpose of a tail-catcher for the hadron test beam and a muon detector prototype.
Status/Plans Strip-fiber optimization R&D complete All scintillator required for the prototype has been produced. QC underway. Mechanical prototype cassette fabricated, being shaken down. Cart design has commenced. Fully instrumented plane before the end of the year. Planning to be ready for hadron Test beam in mid-2005
Summary Vigorous R&D for a muon detector which could also serve as a tail-catcher underway in gas and scintillator technologies. All proponents are working towards exposing their prototypes to a test beam in the period. Expecting increased coordination between groups as the test beam becomes a reality.