MEEG 102 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Laboratories Spring, 2007
Objectives Introduce sub-disciplines Where courses and curriculum are going Make courses relevant Develop certain skills
Science, Technology & Engineering Scientia—Latin for knowledge Science is knowledge
Science, Technology & Engineering Scientia—Latin for knowledge —Greek for the art or skill in making things Technology is the knowledge or study of making things
Science, Technology & Engineering Scientia—Latin for knowledge —Greek for the art or skill in making things Ingenium—Latin for mental power Words like ingenuity, engineering, engine (ie, search engine) come from ingenium Engineering is the ingenuity of your imagination
Outline of Course Meeting times As per schedule on web Meeting locations As scheduled on web Meeting frequency Once per week One (or two lectures) followed by a lab/demonstration the next week
Teaching Assistant Justin Cowder will be the overall course TA. Justin can be reached at and has an office in SPC 131. We will have different TAs for each lab or demo, as noted later.
Times Lecture:Tues9:30-10:45WHL 007 Labs:10Tues12:30-1:30 not WHL Tues5:00-6:00 not WHL Tues6:00-7:00 not WHL Thurs9:30-10:30 not WHL Thurs12:30-1:30 not WHL Thurs5:00-6:00 not WHL Thurs6:00-7:00 not WHL 007 section
Course Schedule
Labs Locations Sections 10, 11 & 12Sections 13, 14, 15, & 16 Note: this is the same week as the lecture!
Grading Attendance One letter grade loss per absence 4 missed classes results in an F We won’t count the first absence Laboratory & Demonstration Reports Lab reports (three): 60% Demonstration reports (three): 40%
Lab Reports: Details Due one week after the lab session at 4:00 pm. Sharp Late reports not accepted without prior approval (which is rare). Really. Not kidding. Word processed, Times/Times New Roman font, 12 point single-spaced Unless otherwise specified by lab instructor, up to 2 pages maximum description + up to 3 pages for tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.
Lab Reports: Outline Objectives Methods Results Discussion Conclusions
Demonstration Reports: Details Due one week after the lab session at 4:00 pm. Late demo reports also not accepted without prior approval (need to be extremely creative). We mean it—don’t turn in late work. Word processed, Times/Times New Roman font, 12 point single-spaced Unless otherwise specified by lab instructor, up to 1 pages maximum description + up to 2 pages for tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.
Demonstration Reports: Outline Objectives Demonstration Outcome The last demo will be an on-line test that will be pass-fail. There will be no final exam.
Help? Each lab will have a different professor in charge and a TA Overall questions, problems, and suggestions may be addressed to me: Dr. Tom Buchanan 126 Spencer Lab