呂駿逸 呂學儒 施旻宏 指導教授 鍾添曜
1. Introduction 2. Related work 3. System design 4. Experiment 5. Future work 6. References
1.1 Peer-to-peer overlay network 1.2 Motivation
Advantage Peer = client + server No server loading More peer, more speed Disadvantage Low security (Trojan horse) High network loading
Media Player
Streaming + P2P
P2P IPTV - PPStream Based on P2P networking structure Need to install player Software security Advertisement Web based P2P Plug-in Browser Intuitive to use Trojan avoidance
2.1 BitTorrent 2.2 BitTube
Tracker Responsible for helping peer communicate with each other Torrent file Length of file File name Tracker URL Peer Seed Leecher
BitTube: Case Study of a Web-based Peer-Assisted Video-on- Demand System.
3.1 System Introduction 3.2 System Architecture
Our system Peer-to-peer architecture No need of client software Web UI
Discussion and solution TCP transmission is blocked by firewall Changing the format of TCP package, encapsulate it to HTTP POST message Implementation of BitTorrent’s concept Using Mozilla LiveConnect method to connect javascript code in webpage and java object which implement BitTorrent concept Representation of video streaming HTML5
Peer Module User Interface User’s Browser, connecting with BitTorrent & Media Player BitTorrent Implementing BitTorrent Protocol Media Player Playing the video segments received from BitTorrent
Server Module Web Server Serving as user interface, updating main page when the video list have changed Tracker Server
4.1 Experimental environment 4.2 Experiment result
Using YZU network to do the experiment First part : Several peers send video requests Second part : Peers send video requests one by one Environment of Server and peers: One computer as a tracker server and the other as the initial seed peer. The rest of the peers are using 1301B’s computers. Video file format: 39.8MB Ogg file. Testing time: First stage tests 6 times, second stage tests 2 times.
First part Download / Upload speed analysis
Second part Download / Upload speed analysis
First part Start Up time analysis
Second part Startup time analysis
First part Server Uploading analysis
Second part Server Uploading analysis
Improving performance Piece selection Algo. Peer switch policy Optimizing interface Adding Live streaming support
[1] Peer-to-peer network: A Survey and Comparison of Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network Schemes. Eng Keong Lua, Jon Crowcroft, Marcelo Pias, Ravi Sharma, Steven Lim. IEEE, A Survey and Comparison of Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network Schemes. [2] BitTorrent: Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent. Bram Cohen, 2003.Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent [3] PPLive. [4] PPStream. [5] Vuze. [6] Bitcomet. [7] 其他方面.
[8] Gnutella [9] BitTube. B. Liu and Y. Cui and B. Chang and B. Gotow and Yuan Xue. BitTube: Case Study of a Web-based Peer-Assisted Video-on- Demand System. In [10] BitTorrent protocol. [11] Mozilla LiveConnect. ct_Overview ct_Overview
[12] Mozilla Firefox addons: [13] RFC2616 HTTP protocol: [14] BitTorrent. [15] Peer-to-peer media streaming application survey. Sébastien Vénot, Lu Yan. IEEE [16] Will IPTV Ride the Peer-to-peer Stream? Alexandro Sentinelli, Gustavo Marfia, Mario Gerla, and Leonard Kleinrock. IEEE 2007.