HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institut of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Project Group Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Based on Wireless LAN Stefan Böttcher Franz Josef Rammig Christian Schindelhauer
2 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Program for Today Organisation –Last Subscriptions –Time line/Events –(Re?)-Scheduling Project Goals and Methods Seminar Phase –Topics –Assignment of Seminar Work
3 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer ESS Eingebettete Systeme und Systemsoftware SWT Softwaretechnik MUA Modelle und Algorithmen ESS MUA SW T PG MANET- WLAN Which Area? Vertiefungsrichtung Subscribe NOW! Certification CriteriaRegular studentStamped „yellow sheet of paper“ Graduate studentFree admission Guest studentsFree admission
4 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer The People Algorithms and Complexity (MUA) Asst. Prof. Dr. Christian Schindelhauer Gunnar Schomaker Michelle Jing Liu Design of Parallel Systems (ESS) Prof. Dr. Franz J. Rammig Simon Oberthür Electronic Commerce and Databases (SWT) Prof. Dr. Stefan Böttcher Adelhard Türling No.VornameName 1MarcelTiemeyer 2ThorstenSteenweg 3SebastianObermeier 4ArneVater 5PeterBleckmann 6Tim DanielHollerung 7BirgerKühnel 8FelixPeter 9Qamar Abbas Tarar 10EduardasCesnavicius 11AndréFrancisco 12AndrewHines 13CarmenBuschmann 14ChristianNiggemeyer
5 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Language Problems? The project language is English.
6 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Time Line Seminar Phase Titles of seminar papers today Assignment at the end of this meeting 45min presentation starting Dec, 2003 Reading Class Phase Starts next week We discuss relevant topics for this project Homework for next week: –What do you need to know about Computer Networks to design a mobile ad hoc network? –And how do you get this information? Kick-off Meeting 1-day event at beginning of Jan, 2004 Costumer-vendor situation: –We specify our needs –You state your product features –You sell, we buy…(best case scenario) At the end of this meeting, you have –divided the task in modules –specified the module interfaces –assigned your work –coordinated your team –set up the road map of the project Product Available in July, 2004 Product presentation, end of summer semester `04
7 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Scheduling Weekly meetings Tuesday slot, 09:15-10:45, F2.221 (every week) Reading Class Starts next week on the weekly meeting slot Seminar Phase starts 48th week (Nov 24) on two of the following slots –Tue, 09:15-10:45, F2.221 –Wed, 18:00-19:30, F0.530 –Fri, 16:00-17:30, F1.110 Or starts 49th week (Dec 01) on three of the above slots Kick-off Meeting Suggestion: Fri Jan 9th, Starting at 9:15
8 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer The Project Goals 1.Design and implement a mobile ad-hoc networks based on W-LAN 2.Design and implement a distributed data base within the MANET 3.Use efficient algorithms and data structures for stability and efficiency
9 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Motivation I It is a nice warm day in the University Cafe… All the students are happy, drinking some coffee, discussing which project group to attend. When suddenly somebody switches on his laptop … and surfs the Internet while having a cup of coffee … obviously somewhere there is a W-LAN base station
10 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Motivation II The next day … … more students … connect to W-LAN But some of them … have severe connection problems … Something must be done
11 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Motivation III So they move closer to the base station … and closer The lucky ones establish a connection on the stairway The others can not connect and waste some time...
12 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Motivation IV … and so they live unhappily together until … some day a project group implements a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network based on Wireless LAN … and saves the day. Now some … act as client and router and shared their bandwidth to connect others
13 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer The Project Methods 1.Design and implement a mobile ad-hoc networks based on W-LAN –Use IEEE standard protocol and IP –If possible reuse other LINUX based MANETs –Design it, Implement it and perform field studies with the laptop computers of the project group 2.Design and implement a distributed data base within the MANET –Use peer based data-management techniques, mobile transaction protocols, data placement/caching strategies –Interact with the routing algorithm and retrieve node-based routing information –Use peer based data-management techniques, data placement/caching strategies 3.Use efficient algorithms and data structures for stability and efficiency –Use hierarchical clustering for bounding the impact of dynamics and mobility –Apply consistent caching algorith for the database –Use a hierarchical zone based link state routing service –Provide real world data by simulation Provide a „proof-of-concept“-implementation of the Paderborn MANET (PaMANet)
14 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer The PaMANet (Paderborn Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) Physical Layer Medium Access Control (MAC) Layer Routing Layer TCP/UDP Application Layer Transport Layer IPv6 Radio communication Link selection for ad-hoc mode of W-LAN cards Hierarchical Clustering Distributed Data Base using Consistent Hashing Routing using Cluster Addresses Location service & Route Construction ESS MUA SW T ESS MUA ESS MUA IEEE
15 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Reading Class Topics 1.Computer Networks - Problems and Hints 2.Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Specifics and recent approaches 3.Theory of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 4.MANET-Routing: What happened so far. 5.P2P-Networking and Web-Caching: What is it and how does it help us? 6.Distributed XML Databases: Replication, Caching, XML, Logical XPath Evaluation 7.The PaMANet.
16 HEINZ NIXDORF INSTITUTE University of Paderborn Institute of Computer Science Christian Schindelhauer Seminar Topics (Advisors) Routing in MANETs 1.DSR: Dynamic Source Routing Protocol SchomakerChristian Niggemeyer 2.OLSR: Optimized Link State Routing Protocol SchomakerQamar Abbas Tarar 3.DSDV: Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector Protocol SchomakerFelix Peter 4.CBRP: Cluster Based Routing Protocol SchomakerDaniel Hollerung Clustering/Hierarchies 5.Clustering in Mobile Ad-Hoc NetworksSchindelhauerPeter Bleckmann 6.The Hierarchical Layer GraphSchindelhauerArne Vater P2P-Networks 7.Consistent Hashing SchindelhauerBirger Kühnel Implementations of MANETs 8.Berkeley Daedalus Schindelhauer 9.Linux Network + IPv6OberthürCarmen Buschmann 10.Linux KernelOberthürAndre Francisco IEEE two personsOberthürAndrew Hines + Eduardas Cesnavicius Databases 13.Embedded XML-Database and Query Processing TürlingSebastian Obermeier 14.Data Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks TürlingMarcel Tiemeyer 15.Data CachingTürlingThorstenSteenweg Contact your advisor for the seminar paper you are assigned to. Christian Schindelhauer Gunnar Schomaker Adelhard Türling Simon Oberthür