User Personas Assignment IS 485, Professor Matt Thatcher
2 Assignment l The purpose of this assignment is to develop: –User personas for users of an on-line university application –A short task list (10-15 tasks) focused on the needs of your user persona l In class we will break up into groups of 4 –each team will be responsible for developing one of four user personas
3 Assignment l Get out 2 sheets of paper –put your names at the top of each sheet –title 1 “User Persona” and the other “Task List” l You will be assigned one of the following user personas: –A student holding a full-time job –A student focused on developing a successful business career –A parent –An alumni
4 Assignment l Outline a user persona –Story-like description –Identity (name, age, gender, education, and personality details) –Interests and hobbies –Skills (e.g., job experience, task experience, and level of experience with computers, specific software applications) –Goals –Motivation –Physical characteristics (or limitations) that may affect your design l Develop a short task list (10-15 tasks) l These papers will be turned in!!
5 In-Class Presentation l Volunteers will present their personas and task lists l Tell us: –Who is your user persona? »be creative, have a person act out the role, ask the persona some questions, give us a real sense of who this person is, what their interests and motivations are, etc. –What tasks does this person want to perform? l Talk for about 5-10 minutes